What are we to believe?
Previously you said this:
Social Security, same thing. I have paid in about 80,000 dollars in on Social Security, to fund other peoples retirement over the last 15 years(although, again, I do not believe the government should be involved in the retirement fund business either). Medicare, same thing. I have paid in enough medicare taxes, to BUY insurance for me and my children for the next 5 years, if the government wants to give it back.
This was an example. I only have personal examples, since I am not omnipresent. Someone mentioned something about "stealing their money" to pay for someone else's healthcare. My example here, was to show the huge amount of money already taken for other people, from me, and the rest of the public. I was demonstrating that society is necessarily a give and take relationship. Some people pay for roads they never use. Others pay for healtchare for others: give and take.
What have you written that is about you and what is about someone else?
When you were talking about your brother were you really talking about your brother or some other person's brother or maybe just a hypothetical brother?
Is my brother me?
As I believe I stated in my post, my brother was fine because he had family: my point was specifically about others (not my brother) who did not have money, nor family. This post specifically excluded me and my family.
What are we now supposed to believe?
What I have actually said, instead of reading into my posts whatever you want. If you want to discuss the issue, discuss the issue. I have not been rude to anyone, and I do not deserve personal attacks.