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I haven't read through this whole thread but my answer to the question (How does God fulfill prophecy?) is this: Prophesy is God's proclamation of what He's going to do, so fulfilling it is God doing what He said He would do.
What am I missing?
Hi 12 Strings, both of your views are utterly bogus. Have you answered my question, how does God fulfill prophecy. I do not think anyone has, but if you have please give me the post address.
You are missing nothing, your view match was scripture says.
But note that God did not look into a crystal ball and see a future event and then tell us what the fixed future held. The pagan view is God somehow, out side of time, views a metaphysical realm where the future already exists. Not how scripture describe prophecy.
Hi 12 Strings, both of your views are utterly bogus. Have you answered my question, how does God fulfill prophecy. I do not think anyone has, but if you have please give me the post address.
1. There is no way anyone is going to be able to understand your views unless you are willing to clarify when people try to restate them. That is part of discussion, one person says, "what I hear you saying is this____________...it that right?" And then you tell them the specific points where they are off the mark, or misunderstood what you said. I cannot see how your view is different than view "V" in my post. If that is not what "contingent" means, then what is?
2. You have said "God is not the author of sins." Yet you have said that "God desired that Adam sin." You have said God does predestine some sins (like those of Peter), but they should not be considered as sins that warrant punishment, since God predestined them. If the views of EVERYONE else on this entire board are entirely incomprehensible...then you should at least admit that your views are equally so.
3. Which brings me to this: When you say, "FOLKS, They've got nothing!" I'm not sure who you are talking to, since EVERYONE I have seen post on these issues (omniscience & knowing the future) disagrees with you. I really would like to see one link to someone else who has written a view that coincides with yours. Who, in the world of Theological writers, do you think has it right, since it is obvious that the Calvinists, Arminians, & Open theists have it wrong?
12 Strings said:Regarding your question Specifically: God fulfills prophesy simply by not saying he is going to do things, unless he is actually going to do them. And, he knows the future so that he knows that what he says he will do at one point in history is actually the appropriate thing to do late in time when the event happens. The course of history does not surprise him such that he is forced to Not do what he prophesied to do.
God is not the author of sin. This means God does not compel you to sin. And when, as an exception, God does use someone, i.e. Judas, for His purpose, to the extent the sin was compelled God does not attach penalty.
predestine doesn't equal caused. So please stop saying it.
God allows but does not author evil
Why did Jesus call him a devil, say he wasn't clean like the others, and Peter say he went to his own place after abandoning the ministry? Judas confessed Jesus in the garden, but didn't know Jesus. Peter denied Jesus, but actually knew him. Both sinned, one's repentance was artificial and ineffectual, the other's was genuine and accepted.
Of course not:
Jas 1:13 Let no one say when he is tempted, "I am being tempted by God," for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one.
Jas 1:14 But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire.
Jas 1:15 Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.
If you don't believe that scripture to say "God created evil" then explain what you think it means.So you honestly believes that evil comes directly from God? WOW!!
If you don't believe that scripture to say "God created evil" then explain what you think it means.
That verse is not talking about moral evil (sin). It's about natural calamity (i.e. earthquakes etc).
If you don't believe that scripture to say "God created evil" then explain what you think it means.