I have not heard you explain your view in this way, and I believe this "contingency idea does shed some new light on your view.
So let me try to clarify it to myself by comparing your view to another view commonly known as "God created the Best of all possible worlds: One in which He knew Adam and Humanity would sin." (You can tell me if I've got this right).
View A: In this view, God knew all the future, knew Adam would definitely sin if put in a certain circumstances. He Decided to put Adam in that circumstance because he valued Adam's choice more than he valued Adam's sinlessness, and he did this for reasons we cannot fully comprehend. (this I think, is close to the Arminian position...Cal position obviously puts God in even more of a comanding role than this, but that's another discussion.
View V (for Van): God had multiple Plans for the world, ONE OF which was a contingency plan for IF Adam sinned. The other was a contingency plan for if Adam had not sinned. This plan may have produced a very different Outcome for the world. God HAD TO make both plans because he gave Adam free will, and so the outcome of the entire course of human history was planned two different ways, and Adam's choice made all the difference. (Of course, if EACH human also had the same free will, then any of them could have sinned after adam, and so instituted the fall...though I'm not sure if sin nature would then pass to just their descendants, or all of humanity...but that's another discussion).
Please tell me if I have your view close to correct?