Matt Janes
Depends on what you mean by Catholic. I don't accept Catholic dogma or all the traditions...In another thread, he insisted he isn't Catholic, but he clearly holds to Catholic teaching about the "communion of the saints", sola fide, and sola scriptura. He's making the same arguments, using the same talking points, and telling the same lies about Protestants that Catholics do.
Clearly, he was not telling the truth when he said he's not Catholic.
The only thing missing is the "30,000 denominations" lie.
However, it is Catholics that other Christians are calling Pagan n the whore of Babylon , so it is Catholics that I will defend.
Also, I have received much Grace from praying the Rosary. If that makes me Catholic whatever.... I take from each denomination what works.
It's pointless arguing with you because I've already proven to you that Sola scriptura is unbiblical... Yet you insist I haven't and fail to show me anywhere that the Bible teaches that scripture is the sole, the only, and the final Authority.
It's pointless debating with you.
Where did the Bible ever tell anybody which Canon of scripture was correct, or tell church leaders to compile the scriptures into one volume? There was a need for church Authority outside of scripture. That is obvious.
Jesus says if your eye causes you to sin pluck it out. My eye causes me to sin, should I pluck it out? Jesus said those who live by the sword will die by the sword, and then he says buy a sword, and said I have come to bring a sword not peace...
Jesus said you should hate your mother and your father and your brother and sister.
Jesus said many will become eunuchs for the kingdom of God. The definition of eunuch is a castrated person. Any volunteers?
Scripture is difficult to understand and leads people to opposite opinions.