Evil is not a creation, it is a posture, an attitude developed by humanity. A gun is not evil. It is used by some in an evil way.
God created Adam. Adam created his own evil self as he adopted what God told him not to do.
God cannot violate His own essence. Under His permissive will, a part of His absolute sovereignty, He allows man to develop his own character.
God does not and cannot create evil.
I agree.
Ge 1:25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
Joh 1:3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
If everything God made was "good", and God made everything that is made, obviously,
there's a contradiction of scripture in saying the existence of evil is a creation of God.
God doesn't so much as tempt man to sin, or create evil,
God "MADE" it possible for sin/evil to exist in giving Adam a "CHOICE",
And Adam's "CHOICE" created the sin/evil.
God had "rested" from all "HIS WORK" on the "Seventh day",
Adam created an "Eighth day" by sinning, ending the "Seventh day", creating a "day of new beginning", when sin/death enter the world.
Jesus was resurrected on the "Eighth day", First day of the week.
After the "Seventh day" (MK) is over, in the "Eighth day", Satan is loose then the GWT Judgment.
"IF" Adam had not sinned, there wouldn't be an "Eighth day" on God's calendar.