Originally he chose from the same wicked lump sinners to glorify His mercy as Paul says. Much later in time, he developed a wicked nation from the reprobate called Israel. He gave them the Law under threat of death, to protect the few saved who glorified Him. Later he abandoned the wicked and made Israel believers only under Christ. The Church is Israel today. Nothing changed from elect sinners, redeemed by Christ to glorify His mercy to the Heavenly host.
I disagree. I understand why you would believe this, and even articulate it in this way.
But I believe you make a serious mistake in ascribing a "logical order" to the mind of God.
The reason is when you do this you reduce the mind of God to the mind of man and diminish the eternality of God. You present God as creating a "lump" of men and then randomly pulling from that "lump" for His purposes.
But God is Creator. God is eternal. God is sovereign. God is God.
He does not have to ponder human life. He does not have to rely on chance or arbitrary decisions. These are human qualities.
Perhaps we have to rely on human faults, like arbitrary actions, to understand God. But we need to understand that this is due to our finite minds rather than attribute the flaw to God.
God simply is not arbitrary.
I ask again- What reason did God give to Israel for their election? Why is it that this election glorified God rather than Israel?