Well-Known Member
Yes, two.
You didn't answer my question, what are you doing besides sitting on your computer chair and complaining?
Two children then. Okay. So, you're willing to let them suffer under a global dictatorship you may or may not be able to do something about so you can get to heaven a little faster? I'd rather take on the suffering for my child now and do what I can to slow down or stop the march of tyranny so she may have a chance to avoid being enslaved by it in the future. Must be I'm a bad dad then eh?
I would think with your superior powers of decernment you'd already know the answer to the question you asked.
You want to know who really put Obama in office? Look at who he has appointed to places of power. The stooges of international bankers, multinational corporations and the military industrial complex. If you're looking for change from this cat forget about it you're going to get more of the same only this time with a left cover rather than a right cover.
His policies are just an extention of tha last guy's who's policies were just an extention of the guy before him and so on so forth back to Wilson. JFK stood up for the people and look where he is today.
If God is truth then why would he install a deceiver like Obama? Is God in the business of deceiving people now? Sounds more like something the "world's god" would do to me.