It may be a small god in your finite understanding, but the God of the bible teaches that "we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places," and those "rulers" have a measure of control granted to them by our Sovereign God.
That others have control of many things is not a matter of dispute.
But that NONE of it is outside of the eternal purposes of God and that NONE of it occurs without God's will and direction at the back of it is the CLEAR teaching of Scripture.
Did Satan control what happened to Job? Yes. He had control of it. AT THE SAME TIME God had absolute control of it as well. And EXACTLY while Satan was bringing Satan's will to pass- God was bringing God's will to pass.
This is compatabalism. And this is what the Bible UNEQUIVOCALLY teaches.
God's exhaustive sovereignty allows free (undetermined by God) desires and choices within His permissive will through autonomous individual moral agents.
This begs the question.
To say one is in complete control over the COMPLETE FREEDOM of another is absurd.
The only sensible explanation is compatabalism.
What you say makes no more logical sense than if you had said, "This is so hot it is cold."
That is what Arminians often say about God's sovereignty. He is SO sovereign that he controls what he has no control over.
If that is possible then the laws of logic are bunk and all conversation is pointless.
God's perfect foreknowledge of all events enables man's free volition within the boundaries of His overall sovereign plan.
Then you have God controlling outcomes but not events leading to those outcomes.
This is not divine sovereignty. You have God NOT being in full control until he intervenes at some future point.
It really is a watered down form of deism.
But since even the tiniest subatomic particles move ONLY according to the eternal purposes and order of God, then NOTHING moves outside his purposes and his ABSOLUTE control.
I hate to say this because I think it would obvious by now, but THAT depends on what YOU mean by the word "control." Some might call the author in "control" of all that takes place in his book, yet you are careful not to say that God author's sin. I'd love to hear how you differentiate the author of sin from one in "exhaustive sovereign control" of sin.
I mean the classic definition of control.
I HAVE explained my theodicy a dozen times to you and you drop out of the conversation every time.
Then a week later you will ask me to do it again as if I have not done it many times before.
He is worthy of worship regardless how you or my finite mind seeks to define and explain Him on an internet debate forum.
Only GOD is worthy of worship as God.
God cannot NOT be God. Being GOD means that he is in ABSOLUTE control of everything at all times.
God cannot FORFEIT control of ANYTHING and still be God.
What you have God doing is forfeiting decisions about eternal destinies and other MASSIVE things to man.
God cannot do this anymore than God can sin or be weak or die.
(Lesser theologians will jump on this and point out that Jesus was God and he died. I expect better of you. We know better. We understand hypostasis and all other doctrines that have to do with this seeming paradox.)