Active Member
You nailed it here.
Thanks bro Luke2427
The Bible isn't "simple" to understand, as some suggest. As a matter of fact Peter alludes to this himself stating the opposite (2 Peter 3:16) although that passage is declared to be something other than what it directly says, at least to those who hold the "simple" view. Why? Well, because of the "simple" fact it detroys this view.
No one worth their salt, who engages in scholarly study of Scripture, would malign the Scriptures with the word "simple." To do such is then a commentary on the state of ones theology, not upon Scriptures themselves.
Then we have the "simplicity" in a Corinthians passage, which doesn't mean "simple" as other erroneously use as a proof-text. 2 Corinthians 11:3 is used here, as in all actuality by some, (hold on to your seat Luke2427) to PROVE that studying and "over" studying corrupts us! :laugh: :thumbsup:
Sad yes?
This is not all what this means! Yet, we see the coupling together of two things: 1) Proof-text methodology, and 2) Simple Bible mentality.
This proof-text methodology/simple thing has led and kept many persons in deep error.
- Peace