. Preaching is a home-act or inward testimony to elect and non-elect, making manifest the savour of the knowledge of Christ in every place, II Cor.2:14-16, both in them that are saved, and in them that perish. offers convey no savour of Christ, because they do not reach home, neither a savour in the Doctrine, nor a savour in the Salvation; nor a savour of death unto death, in formality, to the ungrenerate formalist that perishes without the savour of Christ; nor a savour of life in the Principle unto life in the possession thereof, and home to Eternal Life in those whose heart the Lord opens, Acts 16:14, to attend unto Christ; for the Principle and Profession of the lively believer is destitute of the savour, as soon as preaching 25 degenerates into offering and proffering, for then a saint quickly loses his sweet words, Prov.23:8, and will have to vomit that morsel which spoils the rest. {“A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.” Gal.5:9.} An offer doth not bring comfort home. Grace offers may move, but it is at a distance from the proper object. The doctrine alone preached is a home-act or inward testimony, even to the very non-elect; and the Doctrine and Salvation both together, are home-acts to the elect of God. The doctrine alone preached is a home- act, even against such as God hath not chosen in Christ; for such vessels there are, Rom.9:22, as appear, I Jn.2:19, Matt.20:16, Jn.8:47, Jn.10:26, Matt.7:23, &c., and these are two sorts, where the Gospel comes; namely,
open rejecters of the mystery
and open receivers of the literal doctrine.
The doctrine preached, when the mystery comes to be laid open, is a testimony against all rejecters of Christ.
For they soon begin to snuff at it, to stumble at the word, and be disobedient, I Pet.2:7-8; whereas an offer of Grace is so plausible to nature, that any man may face it without offence; nor will it touch them to the quick to drive about tossing around invitations and offers, but to preach Free Grace will be an offence to all who perish in the way. Psal.2:12. For, the preaching of Grace, as the Mystery of the doctrine is laid open, makes them presently reply against God, Rom.9:20, and quarrel with the Most High, saying, “why doth he yet find fault; for who hath resisted his will,” Rom.9:19, as they did in the ninth of Romans. It soon touched them, especially when the points of Sovereignty or Absolute Grace, Irresistibleness, Discrimination, Passiveness, &c., are preached in the power and unction of the Holy Ghost, for men cannot pretend to offer a sinner these vital Operations, for they being, indeed, matters of Divine Operation, bear no resemblance to this debilitated system of offers and invitations. Nevertheless, ministers of Christ are necessitated to preach these Operations of Grace, II Cor.3:6, and to be sure, the preaching of them may as directed by the LORD, be a home-act and vital testimony, even to them that God hath passed by, as to their being chosen in Christ. These doctrines are inimical to carnal wisdom, so 26 carnal wisdom must of necessity be hostile to these truths. {“Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.” Rom.8:7.}
The doctrine of Christ preached is an enemy to their self-love, carnal interests, carnal ease, &c., insomuch that preaching the true Gospel frets wicked men, and irritates their minds, eats into the frame of their spirits, gnaws upon their inward pride, and fills them with rage. {“And all they in the synagogue, when they heard these things, were filled with wrath.” Lk.4:28. “When they heard that, they were cut to the heart, and took counsel to slay them.” Acts 5:33.} Stephen's hearers gnashed upon them with their teeth, to hear the doctrine of Truth preached. Acts 7:54. He certainly did not offer them Christ, for they might perhaps have laughed at that, but he preached Christ notably, and this preaching enraged them.
Such preaching either kills or makes alive, Acts 24:25, if it be delivered in the unction of the Spirit, and makes a noble discrimination in the auditory. Acts 28:24. So that all nonelect rejecters of the Father's Christ, or open rejecters of the Doctrine of Free Grace preached according to the Spirit's Revelation of it in the Word, cannot stand before Preaching. offers I know will leave them to debate upon it, but of all that profess to be dispensers of the Word, I have observed that professors of the Grace of God who compromise in this point, with their Free offer, as they call it, are all too thwarted and confounded in their way; but preaching Christ will cheer, II Cor.1:12, the testimony of their conscience by the Grace of God.
Oh, how did it enrage the Jews at Antioch to contradict and blaspheme; for when the apostles preached, it vexed them immediately. {“But when the Jews saw the multitudes, they were filled with envy, and spake against those things which were spoken by Paul, contradicting and blaspheming.” Acts 13:45.} So when Paul preached Jesus and the resurrection it presently touched the philosophers of Epicurus and the Stoics to the quick, and stirred up their wisdom to encounter him. {“Then certain philosophers of the Epicureans, and of the Stoicks, encountered him. And some said, what will this babbler say? Other some, he seemeth to be a setter forth of strange gods; because he preached unto them Jesus, and the Resurrection.”