Hey - You May be Right...
Bible-boy said:
Brother Paul,
I have to disagree with you on one point here. No born again believer, who is waiting and watchful, is going to "miss the final trumpet call, and the beauty of being caught up in the sky..." regardless of whether or not they are into trying to figure out end-times prophecy.
While I understand your concern, I'm thinking of the wide road to hell, versus the narrow path to Glory. So, while you may be right, I have serious questions and concerns about a lot folks that are walking a very thin line, when it comes to getting into heaven.
I know way too many folks that go to church and call themselves Christians and confess that they are born again, but their walk does not reflect a heart changed by grace and covered by the blood of Jesus. This is why I wrote that they needed to keep their eye on the eastern sky. I believe there will be a tremendous amount of folks that could be left behind because their heart was not right.
If one lives their life with one eye fixed on the Eastern sky [my terminology for being focused on Jesus in all we do, at all times], they should have no trouble at the time of the rapture.
There is a large number of folks claiming to be re-born, but living in sin [fornicating, adultery, etc.]. These folks may or may not go when the Lord returns to harvest the crop. When He comes to separate the wheat from the tares. When He comes to take His followers, there will be many that have fallen away from their initial calling, so, yes there will be those who will be left behind.
I'm quite sure, that when I was living in sexual sin, had the Lord returned, I would have been left behind, and would have had to work out my salvation through losing my life, physically, by confessing Jesus over the anti-Christ, and face beheading.
I may be flawed in my thinking, but, I believe that those who follow the Lord will have to be "sold out to Jesus" in every sense of the Word. He told the prostitute to "go, and sin NO MORE." I believe the believe is expected to be Holy, and to grow in that holiness through becoming more like Christ, and less like their old person.
Love you Bible Boy, and love you Tiny Tim. I'm not trying to cause a ripple in the lake, but, I believe there are truly those who will be looking with hope, yet left behind.
Pastor Paul :type: