So you fail to understand that the Ordo Salutis is logical and not chronological, so on the basis of your failure to understand you disagree with salvation by grace?
So, you fail to understand that believing and repenting are the result of regeneration and not the cause of it so you reject the gospel of grace? You deny "the natural man receives not the things of the spirit of God?" "There is none that seeks after God?"
So you believe the entire world will be saved? Including Satan and all his demons?
So you believe that when God decrees something to come to pass, you, or the person in question, is more powerful than God and can defeat God's eternal decree?
I have not MISREPRESENTED Calvinism and your views, so I would appreciate it if you would refrain from misrepresenting my views.
One of three things just happened (or did not happen)
a. You either did not read my posts.
b. You did not read my posts with understanding
c. You deliberately misrepresented my positon.
I believe you are an honest man and have an adequete reading comprehension, so I beg you....Please read my posts before you reply instead of just skinming and partially reading them.
a. Ord Salutis not chronological?- Tis true that we are elected in eternity,
but we are saved in time. Therefore THERE IS A CHRONOLOGAL ORDER in salvation. (Chronos means TIME, right?) Did you call on Jesus Christ
after God opened your heart only in a logical sense or did t happen in time and in a chronological sense as well?
b. If you think I don't believe in salvation by Grace, then YOU HAVENT been reading my posts. DID I not say that regeneration is a MONERGISTIC act of God, or did you miss that part?
c. If believing is a result of regeneration, then that would mean that being sealed by the Holy Spirit is seperate from regeneration. This is because PAUL, by inspiration of the Holy Spirit wrote "AFTER you were believed, you were sealed wth the Holy Spirit. SO according to the Holy Spirit, we are sealed AFTER we believe.
SO do you think we are sealed AFTER believing in a logical sense only, or does it also happen in time/chronologically? Are you going to tell me that he is speaking of a wholly logical order there, and is not referring to chronology, even though he spoke of things that happened to believers IN TIME.
Were you sealed by the Holy Spirit after you believed in a logical sense only, or did these take place in time and CHRONOLOGY? DId you believe after you heard in a logical sense only, or in a Chronological sense also. Your logical order of order salutis is a red herring.
d. The fact that you ask me if I am an universalist shows that you HAVE NOT READ MY POSTS. I said grace can be resisted. If grace can be resisted, then obviously not everyone is going to be saved'
e. God decreed to save ALL WHO BELIEVE (upon hearing the Gospel and being convicted and illuminated by the ministry of the Holy Spirit). God has decreed to save all who call on Him. God has decreed that all who hear and see the Son (God's Spirit setting Christ before the hearer) and believe on Him are regenerated by a Monergistic act of God. God has also decreed that those who do not believe will be condemned. These decrees infalliby come to pass, so God's decree is NEVER abrogated.
Did you become a child of God after God regenerated you in time, or in a logical sense only? No, you were once not a child, now you are.
f. The natural man does not receive the things of God, but the Holy Spirit opens hearts as the Gospel is preached.