I am most certainly on topic. Both cocaine and alcohol have medicinal and proper uses in moderation.
Excellent. Then they can both be used. But let's not pretend that beer is comparable to street cocaine. Maybe you're not- but let's don't.
From your stories, you're the last person on earth who needs to be advocating daily alcohol use. Have you considered that in order to come to grips with what you witnessed, you had to somehow make SOME alcohol drinking okay?
If these were your birth parents, you're likely more genetically inclined to addiction and best off totally staying away from the stuff. Please consider doing so for the safety of your own self and those around you.
You have YET to deal with the pure FACT that HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of people drink regularly responsibly.
If you become a drunkard from drinking it is the same reason you become a pervert from having access to sex. It is an internal problem.
My Mom is no longer a drunk. She is a Christian. But she does drink. What's the difference? Why is she not falling down drunk every day, today? Because she does not have the internal issues she had then.
Drunkenness, like all sins, is a matter of the heart.
We don't tell people to stop eating and hook themselves up to I.V.'s for nutrition so that they can keep from becoming gluttons.
It makes no more sense to tell people not to drink for the same reasons.
I have a man in my church who was a drunkard about eight years ago. He got saved. He went a few years without drinking at all. Now he drinks a few beers a week and a margarita whenever he goes out to eat.
He's been doing this for two years and he is one of the best members in our church. He brings more people to church than anyone else. He teaches a growing Sunday School class. He leads people to Christ. He works on our family life center. He works at his job about 50 hours a week.
Drunkenness, Gina, is a HEART problem.
It's not a contest of who has the biggest story...it's a case of common sense. It isn't common sense to advocate using alcohol daily and you haven't supported it one whit with scripture.
You've not condemned it with one "whit" of Scripture.
Nor have you even ADDRESSED any of our arguments.
You just keep regurgitating all of this emotional nonsense that is not based in logic or Scripture.
I can't believe you've gone what you've been through, know what nastiness addiction can cause, yet still would encourage the many, many people who come read here to use alcohol regularly. I sure hope nobody on here takes that terrible advice.
I hope they are delivered from a FAR worse evil addiction- the addiction of self-righteousness, ignorance and phariseeism.
I do not think there is any more danger in drinking responsibly than there is in eating responsibly.
Less since heart disease is the NUMBER ONE KILLER of men.
Your words mean something. Is it worth risking the creation of more alcoholics in this world in order for you to win some anonymous internet argument? No, it isn't. That's childish and I hope it stops.
Since you used the word "childish" let me tell you what I think you are being- stupid.
You don't make arguments.
You preach without Scripture.
Your appeal is strictly emotive.
You don't address arguments.
I think that's dumb.
If it is childish what I am doing- then MOST CHRISTIANS in HISTORY have been childish and you are more mature than BILLIONS of Christians- including the authors of SCRIPTURE.
Not only is that DUMB- it is also extremely self-righteous and ARROGANT.
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