I haven't yet taken it, but my Primary Care Physician did suggest I do. My own situation is that I'm basically a shut-in & don't usually go outside on any regular basis except for therapy treatments & things like that. I'm so thankful for my local church who serves this almost 75 YO single, never been married "Eunuch for the Kingdom's Sake," (See Matthew 19) that Jesus mentioned. I know my situation is a usual one, but I'm content with it (Last Friday was my 55th REbirthday.) I as a very severely physically-handicapped shut-in my contact with the outside world is somewhat limited. I wear a mask when I'm outside just to keep me from giving/getting any more diseases than I already do have. I don't seek a pity party, just realize the condition I'm in & leave at that. God doesn't seem to want to heal me completely so far, and it doesn't really bother me. If He wants me to stay this way during my time here on terra firma, fine. I've got Jesus as my Brother, the Holy Spirit as my Comforter, His Word as my guide, and a future that's out of this world. That's much more than those who've won Publisher's Clearing House's $i,000.00 per day cause the goverment(s) can't take THAT away....try as they might!!

I did get the J&J shot on May 8....As a 75th BD present to myself (b. May 9, 1946). Actually it took me longer to get registered for the shot than the shot itself. Since I'm a retired military vet, I'm entitled to TRICARE for Life. The TN ANG wing from which I retired in Jan 2005 only issued me a blue (Retired Vet) ID card & I was told that this card would suffice for notifying anyone that I was, in fact, eligible fro TRICARE for Life. Past past Saturday (May 8, 2021) I went to a Wal-Mart Super Center for some items that I'd run short on, & there I saw this sign informing me that Covid-19 vacc's were availible at the Pharmacy Dept. I went up to the counter & produced both my TN Drivers License & my Blue ID card. Apparently I was the first retired vet to register then since neither the person supposedly in charge of registering people for the shot AND the Pharmacist in Charge had never been trained to accept my blue ID card as proof of my eligibilty of TRICARE for Life. SOOOOO....the P in C THEN had to call "somebody" who was supposedly over the registration process, and HE didn't have a clue either!!

I don't know whom that person talked to to tell the persons in charge that, in fact, a blue ID card WAS in fact, acceptable (probably POTUS K Harris!!

), but THEN the person actually giving me the shot didn't want to accept my blue ID before she would administer the J&J shot!! Thank goodness I'd already gone to the rest room prior to all this "Government-Sponsored Fiasco"!!

After about 90 minutes, believe or not, I was given what I was told was that Wal-Mart Super Center's very last shot!!! Don'tcha just love the new, modernized, cut-the-excess baggage Federal govt's way of speeding up things??

And this is POTUS K Harris's first year!!! Can't wait to see what it'll be like after 3.5 yrs!!