1) No I am claiming you Mr. Agedman said my behavior was ungodly. Here is your statement asserting ungodly behavior by me. "In the past you used it as a springboard to depart from the presentation of Scriptures.
Such is exactly what you do when you present that the religious rulers could prevent anyone from entering heaven. EVEN after giving the explanation that under the OT the folks lived and had access to God by religious duty, and that duty was controlled and access permitted by the rulers, you persisted in taking that single verse and departing from the presentation of Scriptures.
I do not recall claiming it was "ungodly" but typical of those who do make much of "proof texting."
More often, such technique leads to wrong teaching and misapplication.
Sort of like those who claim the verse statement, "God cannot look upon sin" and then declare this is why God turned His eyes from the Cross. They enlarge the error by blustering how he turned His back, and poured out His wrath... and other such statements that in the context of that verse is totally miss applied, and having done misleads.
In this thread you have selected two verses and are basically doing the same in an attempt to bring your own scheme into validity.
2) Agedman claims no names were written in the Lamb's book of life. Absurdity.
I don't remember making such a claim. If you were to point out the post, I would refute it as being wrongly written, for even from my wayward youth my thinking has been that the names were written, not are written. That all names were written at the point of God saying "Let there be Light." God would not be both omnipresent and omniscient were it not true.
Would not your scheme deny the omniscient God and place Him in a character foreign to His total authority as the head of the kingdom? Does God not know the future? Does God have to be made aware of what is taking place in His creation?
3) The spirits made perfect are enrolled in heaven. You do not enroll a person before they were made perfect, such a claim is ludicrous.
In your own view it may be, but in the view of the Scriptures written by God's authority, such is not ludicrous.
When facing Pilot, Christ said, "My kingdom..." When presenting the example of how to pray He stated, "Thy Kingdom..." When was the kingdom formed? After crucifixion?
No, it was formed at the point of the beginning. The names already recorded. God already appointed, predestined (as Ephesians states).
You attempted to use the military as an example, but were shown it didn't work.
Perhaps you might consider this example (though admittedly not the best). A child can receive benefits from Social Security without ever having been enrolled or knowing anything about enrollment.
Those whose names have been written receive the benefits even before they know anything about or are aware of "program."
Do not parents choose a name for the baby prior to birth? Are they not aware that a child will be born?
When the Lord visited Adam, Eve and the serpent, He distinguished between the serpent seed and the woman's seed. Was He unaware of who would be born into which family? Millennia later, Christ called the rulers vipers and stated their father was the devil. Such distinguishing remarks were not exuberance, but factually based.
Those who come to Christ, do so because they are specifically chosen by the Father (as John records) and given to the Son. Their name already recorded, not a single one will escape redemption.
Again, I would ask "why" is the Hebrews passage written in the past tense?