Was speaking with a LGBTQ individual today and I warned him of the fires of Hell but he said he enjoys warm weather. People these days think of Hell as a joke and I get this often when I open air but Hell is no joke. Sadly many christians do not take it seriously and few warn about it in their evangelism, and sermons. We need the good old fashioned Fire & Brimstone preachers to return!
Teaching (anything) particularly "about" Scripture is a subject that requires the Teacher to know whom his "students" are.
IMO, according to Scripture, and observing our example, JESUS, and HOW He taught, which included BOTH, teaching to masses, (skeptics AND followers) AND teaching separately exclusively to Followers; reveals Jesus' own teaching methods.
The skeptics, were not bombarded with the threat and fear of the consequences.
Scripture teaches to FIRST hear, read, learn ABOUT Jesus, ABOUT God. The Who, What, When, Why and Where.
And then ~ How God, Jesus "relates" to individuals.
The "punch line" IS, there is "no relationship" between God, Jesus and an individual, WHEN the individual KNOWS nothing ABOUT God, and chooses to NOT know ABOUT God, and chooses to NEVER have a relationship with God.
Even a "skeptic" can comprehend "relationships" are not "one-sided".
Even a "skeptic" can comprehend "they" can be in love with someone, who has NO interest in having a relationship with them.
The entire Scriptural message, is teaching God/Jesus absolutely DOES was a relationship with every man, and it is entirely the man's OPTION to choose to have a relationship with God/Jesus, and He will not REJECT the man, (as human's often do).
It is not necessary for a TEACHER, to open a conversation with a skeptic, with threat of hell fire.
Point being ~ everything has a consequence (good or bad).
A believer IS prepared to learn both. (Prepared, precisely because he has been enlightened to the Truth, trusts it, and submitted in faithfulness)
A skeptic IS not prepared to discuss both. They KNOW not God/Jesus. They "WANT" to argue the "the threat of hell fire".
Why? Should be the big question, should "the skeptic" introduce the topic.
Why? Would they believe in HELL, a place they have never seen, when they do not believe in Christ Jesus/ God, whom they have never seen?
The subject of hell fire can easily be put on hold to a skeptic, if they bring it up, and a believer does not need to bring up, to a skeptic, the threat of hell fire.
And the opportunity returns for the "teacher" to control the "teaching" by teaching ABOUT God/Jesus.
And the primary Scriptural knowledge about "teaching" Scriptural knowledge IS; It is by INVITATION, not FORCE.
The Temple is where men voluntarily went to HEAR ABOUT GOD.
Jesus often went to the courtyard of the Temple, where others "teachers/prophets" would go to speak, AND any man of the public could choose to go and hear.
Men (disciples) often went ahead of Jesus, and announced Jesus would be speaking, and whomever "wanted" to, could arrive at the place to hear Him speak.
Churches announce, they will hold a meeting (service) for anyone who wants to Hear about Jesus/God.
Revivals...same thing.
IF you encounter a skeptic ~ WHO wants to discuss God/Jesus....if they are NOT a believer, they are NOT in the position to BE the "teacher"....so don't let them.
A skeptic WHO wants to discuss God/Jesus, OFTEN wants you to DEFEND God for having a place called hell, that is a tormenting place for unbelievers.
God does not require "DEFENDING".
It is quite simple. An individual man has TWO choices.
1) Stand with God.
2) Stand against God.
It is quite simple.
An individual man WHO chooses a standing with God, receives what God has prepared for him.
An individual man WHO chooses a standing against God, receives what God has prepared for him.