The cure for the problem is not to quit preaching on Hell, but to have compassion when we do so. John R. Rice used to make the point that any man who could preach on Hell without weeping was backslidden.
Actually, you can and should. The Bible says in Jude v. 23: "And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh."
My wife was saved at age 20 when she heard a message on Hell by a visiting evangelist in her church. She wept the whole sermon, then went forward and got saved.
One of my mentors, Dr. Monroe Parker, used to preach a very scholarly sermon on Hell, through which many were saved. The difference between him and other evangelists who preached on Hell? Dr. Parker was filled with the Spirit when he did so.
Such preaching never tickled my ears. It should be preached to the church with the goal of getting them out to rescue souls.
Again, what is necessary is (1) compassion, and (2) the fullness of the Spirit, neither of which I see in the author of the OP. (And yes, I've confronted him on these to no avail, so I finally gave up on him