Dwayne: No, I'm not "trying out different theories"; what I did was demonstrate that there are evidences from modern observation that show that the Earth could be young. And the empirical evidence for an old Earth are hardly "overwhelming". It is a mistake to state emphatically that something is true when it is based only on your chosen interpretation of the evidence. For example, you offer the light from distant stars as "proof" that the universe is billions of years old. Actually that starlight proves nothing. If God could create this entire universe in six days, out of absolutely nothing, then He surely could have created light-waves already in place so that we would be able to see and appreciate His greatness and glory. The idea that the universe was created with the appearance of age is not a novel concept, as God planted a garden for Adam on the same day that He created him. Adam didn't have to wait for years for those trees to mature and begin fruit-bearing, they were created fully grown and ready.
And as for Noah, you don't know that he didn't take dinosaurs into the ark. They may well have been juveniles but that wouldn't do any violence to the Biblical account. And one more thing, it doesn't matter how many species are now extinct, and there is no warrant for you to make the claim that most of them were never seen alive my man. There is no way that you could know that to be true. You are entitled to believe what you want, but you are making up stuff that calls the authority and credibility of the Word of God into question.