since you asked an honest question, i am going to attempt to answer it without any reference of the past, which i have handled very badly in relation to you, and hope this post sets us on the right course.
This has been mentioned in many threads, but for starters, lets look at the subject as it exists in some local baptist churches, without reference to which type of baptist. In many churches, the subjects of dancing, drinking, gambling, smoking, tv, movies have been created as sins, when in fact, there is no sin basis in scripture. At the same time, the same church ignores gossip, as it is practiced freely. It is one of the most destructive sins to the unity of the local church and the cause of the gospel. One of the most pitiful scenes i have ever seen was a 300 pound church member stuffing his face full of food so fast at a pot luck, one could hardly understand what he was saying, but, if one listened closely, he was talking about a fellow church member buying lottery tickets.
If one has followed the threads lately, this has gotten so out of control, there was one thread implying people with tatoos were heathens, and another that stated that the intensity of singing a hymn was a reflection of a person's salvation. This whole mindset shouts loudly that someone does not understand the gospel, or how the lord views sin.
Now, on the subject you brought up about homosexual activity, why is it a stigma? Well, unlike dancing, smoking, etc, it is without a doubt a sin, and a disguisting one. The reason it is a stigma above other sins is because most of us do not engage in that sin. Yet, how many have cheated on their spouses either physically, or how jesus mentions in matthew when he talks about lusting after a woman. My guess is that those males guilty of that sin approach 100%. In the eyes of the lord, it is no more a noble act than the most revolting homosexual act one can imagine. Yet, in our warped set of standards, we give the lustful thoughts a pass, and condemn the homosexual to hell for eternity.
Zaac, you mention another sin that really strikes a chord with me, those who have been saved ten, twenty, forty, or fifty years, that have never gone on visitation, been on a mission trip, or bothered to tell one person about the good news of jesus christ. They have sat on their dead butts for decades and not lifted one finger for the lord. They are usually the same ones that never help with church meals, drive the van, visit the sick, help the poor or encourage anyone.
In summary, we set up stigmas to make ourselves holier than thou. There is no excuse for it. I know it takes other forms in other denominations, but we are baptists, and this is where our problems are. Every pastor should be charged with knocking down all of these barriers, including the power cliques in his local church.
Zaac, this is as honest as i know how to answer the question, and hope you will take this as an end to our disagreements so we can behave like christian brothers.