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Hooray For 'Michigan State' Professor!

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pinoybaptist said:
Once again, my apologies.
I used the wrong words, or phrase.
That "tit for tat" thing.
I'm not saying a kill for a kill.
I'm saying that those "indignant" Muslims have numbers among them who are as guilty of the same things they are accusing the professor of: making sweeping accusations.
Only, in their case, they not only make sweeping accusations, they also murder indiscriminately.

Higher standards do not include just laying my head on their chopping block when it is not I who have committed the crime/s against them simply because I'm a Christian.

Loving them does not mean respecting their unrespectable religion, or being politically correct and not offending them when they speak indiscriminately without regards to whether they offend others or not.

Like I said, I have no problem being cordial, polite, or courteous to them, but don't ask me to give them my back just because I'm a Christian.

I see your point and Im sorry I did not see you had addressed that before I posted.


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donnA said:
No, I refuse to be freinds with anyone who wants to kill me.

Very, very few Muslims want to kill you. Very, very few Christians want to kill you. Very, very few Jews want to kill you. Etc., etc., etc.


Well-Known Member
donnA said:
it wouldn't surprise me if we found out there were secret muslims on the board.

I hope not. With an attitude like yours being displayed it would make witnessing to them on behalf of Christ Jesus very, very, very difficult. :tear:


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chuck2336 said:
I see your point and Im sorry I did not see you had addressed that before I posted.

That's okay, chuck, ferget 'bout it.
I see your point as well, with that christian youth example you gave, and I agree that not all Muslims are evil.
It's their religion that makes them subject to whatever animosity or dislike you see around here, and the fact that most of those they have murdered, and televised while in the act of being murdered, were just innocent civilians.

And I have known Muslims.

I've lived among them, and while the everyday Ali may be congenial and even protective at times, I will still not trust them because their religion wires them to kill. Donna posted some verses from their Q'uran, and it is true that the serious Muslim has two choices: obey, or disobey. And when they take the first choice, which happens most of the time, then they become active or passive participants in the slaughter of infidels.

The closest illustration I can give of this :

When I was in grade school I lived with my uncle, then a Captain in the Philippine Army, in what is known as the Summer Capital of the Philippines, Baguio City.
I had a classmate who one summer invited me to spend summer vacation with him at their village.
It was about a week's walk across mountains and rivers and valleys.
My uncle was a firm believer in "let the kid slip and fall, that way he learns to walk and run with caution", so he let me go. We were eight or nine.
So off we trekked, slept nights in hammocks in the forest, fished in the rivers for food, bathed in waterfalls.
Really, really fun.
We got to the village after maybe ten days. A little late.
This was April, and we really enjoyed the vacation.

Now in those areas they had trees that budded fiery red flowers in late May.
When that happened, it was courting season, and it was a dangerous time for lowlanders and "baptized" people like myself, never mind the age.

You see, they were headhunters, and courting season was headhunting season because "Christian" or lowlanders' heads, were usually the dowry for the maiden's hand. It was against the law, but it was tradition, and when these times came, lumberjacks knew it and didn't venture into the forests alone and unarmed.

Anyway, came the first week of May, some of those tree's flowers were starting to turn really red, so my classmate's father packed up our things, and the whole village, well, almost the whole village, escorted us down to the highway and made sure we got on the bus safe and sound.

You see, their village's young men may not develop an interest in my little neck, but the young men of nearby villages might, notwithstanding the fact that I play with their children.

That's just the way they were, then.

Same thing with Muslims.

Just the way they're wired.


pinoybaptist said:
Higher standards do not include just laying my head on their chopping block when it is not I who have committed the crime/s against them simply because I'm a Christian.

Loving them does not mean respecting their unrespectable religion, or being politically correct and not offending them when they speak indiscriminately without regards to whether they offend others or not.

Like I said, I have no problem being cordial, polite, or courteous to them, but don't ask me to give them my back just because I'm a Christian.

I AGREE with all this. What I am addressing is what appears to me to be a blantant "hatred" that some seem to have for people simply because they are muslim.

I do not disagree that this is a false religion or that it contains evil beliefs. What I am talking about is as Christians we are called to love more than the lost, give grace more than the lost, give mercy more than the lost all of that simply because we are His.

I mean really am I wrong in this? I ask humbly, I do not assume to have attained any high knowledge. Are we not to be better simply because of who we belong to? Are we not to see ALL people as God sees them? As people who need Jesus?

I have always thought as Christians we are held at a higher standard, by God. I may be wrong in this I dont know.


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Blatant hatred ?
I haven't seen that yet, chuck.
I see distrust, animosity (is that the same as hatred ?), maybe a tint of ignorance, but not blatant hatred.
But if it is there, then, yes, you are right.
That shouldn't be the case.

But Christians are as much fallen creatures as non-Christians, chuck.
The Bible says that Elijah also was subject to the same things normal people are subject to.

However, I think that Americans, and America, have treated these people with love, tolerance, even respect, chuck, and I am talking in a collective way, the word "Americans" covering both Christians, non-Christians, and the whole lot of the faith spectrum.

I think that the professor was right in what he said, he shouldn't have to apologize.

And the CAIR ?

Well, they are actually doing more harm to their brethren than good.

They can best keep their mouths shut, and try and educate their fellow Muslims, especially the unlettered ones, on such values as respect for others, tolerance for others, and of loyalty to a country which has been undeniably good to them.

If this country has not been good to them, and if the "infidels" of this country are their enemies, then they should go back to where they came from and stay there.


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KenH said:
Very, very few Muslims want to kill you. Very, very few Christians want to kill you. Very, very few Jews want to kill you. Etc., etc., etc.

No I'm sorry, didn't you read my previous post , from the koran, what muslims really believe, no matter what they say. If they are really muslims, want to please their false god, and have any hope of heaven over hell, they are not your friend, they do not wish you well, and yes, according to the book they believe and worship, they want to kill you, because they are commanded to. They are not peaceful, no matter how many times they try and say so, I posted proof.


Active Member
KenH said:
I hope not. With an attitude like yours being displayed it would make witnessing to them on behalf of Christ Jesus very, very, very difficult. :tear:

They have a lot of 'friends' and supporters here.
I refuse to be satans friend, do as you please.

I don't see anywhere in scripture where we are told to be friends with satan and his worshippers. Anywhere we are told not to point out false religion,and speak against it, but to embrase it.
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Well-Known Member
Are we to understand that you are not interested in spreading the gospel to those who are not saved, such as Muslims?


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Ken-- Yes or No:
Does the holy book of Islam instruct its followers to either convert non-muslims or to kill them?


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Alcott - Yes or No:

Do most people who are classified as Muslims in religious surveys want to kill you?

Alcott, you know as well as I do that most people who call themselves Muslims follow the Koran to the same extent as most people who call themselves Christians follow the Bible.


Well-Known Member
I already did.

I deal in the practical world of how people really live when discussing a subject such as this, not in some hypothetical world of how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
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You did not. I asked for a yes or a no in this: Does the holy book of Islam instruct its followers to either convert non-muslims or to kill them?
I didn't ask to what extent they follow it or 'how they live in the practical world.'


Alcott said:
You did not. I asked for a yes or a no in this: Does the holy book of Islam instruct its followers to either convert non-muslims or to kill them?
I didn't ask to what extent they follow it or 'how they live in the practical world.'

What difference does it make what the Koran says? I am not held responsible for what the Koran says. I am responsible for what the Bible says.

Alcott and whoever cares to, show me where Jesus said be as hateful as your enemies are. Show me where it says bless those who are like you and curse the rest. Show me where Jesus took his fist and knocked a guard on his rear for hitting him.

Look, I know what the Koran says and because of what it says, I know two other things. Islam is a false religion and these people need Jesus. Are we going to sit here and tell Jesus that we are too good to go and share Him with a Muslim?

Someone answer my question from a few post back, Are we not, as Christians suppose to be better than the lost, simply because we know Him? Are we not to love, forgive, give grace and mercy? Aren’t we suppose follow the example of Jesus? What did he do when those who wanted to kill him confronted him? Did he lash out? Did he strike first? Did he lower himself to their level? Show me in the Bible where he EVER did any of this. By the way do not try to use when he threw folks out of the temple, they were not trying to kill him and even if they wanted too, that was not the reason he cast them out.

Everyone wants to say well if they are Muslim then they want to kill you because the Koran says this. Well Christian what does your Bible say? WE are not held responsible for what they do, believe, or even for what the Koran says. However, WE are responsible for what the Bible says.

Muslims are lost and because of that fact they are an enemy of God. But guess what? So were we before we found Jesus.
We can not use the actions of someone else to try and justify the hatred in our hearts. We must get rid of that hatred and see all people as a person that Jesus died for.


I prayed after that last post and to be honest, I am done. If you are ok with hating folks then go ahead. That is between you and God.

I have been on the same side with KenH for two days now and it has taken its toll on me. If I continue he may have me voting democrate come November, I just dont think I could handle that!



Well-Known Member
chuck2336 said:
I have been on the same side with KenH for two days now and it has taken its toll on me. If I continue he may have me voting democrate come November, I just dont think I could handle that!

Come to the Dark Side. We have cookies! :laugh:
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