Jn 1:29 teaches limited atonement !2
Im going to show from scripture how the word world in Jn 1:29 teaches limited atonement, simply because all have not had their sins taken away. The words taketh away in Jn 1:29 are airó:
I raise, lift up, take away, remove.
to remove: to remove the guilt and punishment of sin by expiation, or to cause that sin be neither imputed nor punished
of things; to take out of the way, destroy: χειρόγραφον,
Colossians 2:14; cause to cease: τήν κρίσιν,
Acts 8:33 (
Isaiah 53:8)
The ideal is from the OT law from on the day of atonement Lev 16:21 when the High Priest would confess all the sins of the House of Israel, not all mankind, then lay hands on the live goat, symbolic of israel sins being laid to the account of the live goat, and then the live goat is sent away with their sins, removed from the presence of God. However this was only for Gods Chosen People Israel, Gods World of His People. Remember the word world means :
any aggregate or general collection of particulars of any sort .!
Would not that define the nation of Israel ? Particularly Separated from the rest of mankind ? Its the same with the world in Jn 1:29, its not all mankind that has had their sins sent away or removed from Gods Law and Justice !
John writing to believers only writes 1 Jn 3:5
5 And ye know that he[ the lamb of God] was manifested to
take away our sins; and in him is no sin.3