Except I don't believe your version is biblical truth. You have a glaring contradiction and logical error.
So, we aren't asking the question when was the burden removed. We are asking for what sins did Christ pay for?
Do we believe that Christ simply made saving possible, or did he actually save someone?
I have answered all these questions many times before. There are no contradictions. There are no logical errors.
Did I say Christ "paid" for anyone's sins. Quote please.
When is an individuals sin burden removed? When Christ died - the bogus Calvinist view, or when the individual is placed in Christ - the biblical view.
The Calvinist view, developed in the dark ages, is speculation added to the text.
But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master who
bought them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves. So were sins bought?