I don't listen to your "wisdom" Moriah. You are very confused on many doctrines. Wisdom does not come from confusion.
I speak the wisdom that comes from God. I am not confused.
You only repeat what a man of a certain religion taught you. You repeat the same things teachers of your denomination say. You repeat what men have gone to seminary school to learn. You cannot understand what I say. I can show you scripture that says something plain and clear, but you still do not see it.
Your misinterpretation of the Word of God is not wisdom.
Peter was never reinstated. He never lost his salvation which is impossible to do.
Explain to me how people are blotted out of the book God’s book?
Exodus 32:33 The LORD replied to Moses, “Whoever has sinned against me I will blot out of my book.
Here is the Apostle Peter, that great follower of Christ, a leader among the apostles, and you think he lost his faith possibly his salvation. This is truly unbelievable!
Peter denied Jesus three times. Peter disowned Jesus three times.
Matthew 26:33 But Peter said to Him, “Even though all may fall away because of You, I will never fall away.” 34 Jesus said to him, “Truly I say to you that this very night, before a rooster crows, you will deny Me three times.” 35 Peter said to Him, “Even if I have to die with You, I will not deny You.” All the disciples said the same thing too.
What do you think Peter thought Jesus meant to cause him to say, “I will never fall away”?
Does it sound to you like to fall away is a good thing? Falling away is one thing, and it is not good. However, to deny Jesus is another thing. We could say to fall away means to run and hide, but what can you say about denying Jesus? Does this sound more serious to you?
It is not verbally abusing you to ask you to admit that you are wrong. You declared that the words Peter's Reinstatement were the Word of God. That was your defense. It was foolish and wrong. You won't admit that you were wrong. Just because it was a title put in the text by the NIV editors does not make it the inspired word of God. You still won't admit that you were wrong. You call it abuse. I call it pride. You need to repent.
You just told me in this one post alone that I do not listen, that I am confused, that I have no wisdom, that I am unbelievable, that I am a sinner, that I am wrong, that I am foolish, that I am in denial, that I am prideful, that I need to repent, that I am flawed, and some of these things you said to me quite a few times.
I feel like a man with no control is speaking to me, a verbally abusive man, an accuser. What would your wife, kids, relatives, neighbors, and co-workers think of you if you spoke to them as you speak to me? If I spoke to you the way you speak to me, you would give me a little note saying I have an infraction for being rude.
If they are the same then why are you putting the importance of one ministry over the other.
I am not putting the importance of one over the other. I said they were the same.
Try to stay closer to what is said.
The disciples did not need the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. They had Jesus, right there in the flesh.
Why would they need the Holy Spirit when they could walk and talk with God come in the flesh?! When Jesus would die, be resurrected, and then ascended back into heaven, then the Holy Spirit would come according to the promise of Jesus. He would take the place of the presence of Jesus. But for the time being Jesus was there in human form. They didn't need the Holy Spirit. They had Christ in physical form, a privilege that very few individuals ever had.
Thus your interpretation of Scripture is flawed on this basis.
And what happened when Jesus was not right there in the flesh next to them, like when Jesus was arrested? They scattered.
Every time you get discouraged, depressed, look to yourself instead of God, take your eyes of Christ in any way for any reason, are impatient for an answer to prayer, etc.
Getting discouraged is not falling out of faith. Jesus could be troubled in the spirit. Is that a sin to you too?
Getting depressed about something is not falling out of faith. Even Jesus cried.
Getting inpatient when you do not have an answer is not falling out of faith.
How would I look to myself instead of God?
I do not take my eyes off Jesus.
You need to speak for yourself. You do not know me. You need to stop making up sins that are not sins. Do not add to God’s word, for you nullify the word of God when you do so.
There is no Christian that goes through life perfectly, without sin, without failure, without ever taking their eyes of Christ. As you noted, even Peter took his eyes of Jesus momentarily and began to sink in the water. Are you greater than Peter??
Stop speaking for other Christians. You are not even in an errorless denomination, in my opinion, so how do you think you can judge me personally in any correct manner, when you cannot even make a correct judgment about which denomination to join. In my humble opinion that you encourage me to use here, and you set such an example.
What rules did I break?
It is not I that tells you, you are a sinner. The Bible does.
The Bible does not say I am a sinner. The Bible says I have been washed, that I am perfect and holy.
Read Romans 3:23, and if that is not enough I will give you a dozen other.
There is no person on earth without sin. That is fact. It is not breaking any rule. It is teaching the Word of God, which you need to apply to your own life. Perhaps you need to learn more of the doctrine of the depravity of man. That would be good for you to study wouldn't it? So would harmartiology.
I did not say no one has ever sinned. You need to accuse me falsely to make yourself feel better.
When you come on and reply to me with a bunch of worthless personal attacks, I waste my time defending myself. You need to stop personally attacking me. I could not care less what you think of me personally. I answer to God.