Gregory Perry Sr.
Active Member
On Dr. Graham...
I've actually been avoiding this thread because I think Dr. Graham's ministry has at times been a confusing contrast over the years. I do believe he falls into the orb of the neo or new evangelicals that I believe have produced much compromise over the years up until the present day by their clear disdain and refutation of the doctrine of Biblical Separation. I was involved in one of the BGEA sponsored movie evangelism efforts back in the early 70's before I was even certain of my own salvation and it was an "anything goes" type of thing with no Biblical standards of conduct or behavior and a very easy type of "believeism" even in those days. I was actually supposed to be a "counselor"...had NO IDEA what to do except get folks to sign a card and turn it over to the "leaders".
As for Dr. Grahams preaching and his personal standards of conduct and financial accountability...I will, even to this day, say NOTHING bad about them. His preaching was ALWAYS a straight, clear presentation of the simple Gospel of Jesus Christ (and he even preached it out of a KJV:thumbs
. His personal conduct and his financial dealings were (and as far as I can tell still are) always above board and beyond reproach unlike many of the other "religious" broadcasters and TV evangelists that were his contemporaries.
That said...I was highly disappointed in his lack of discernment when he came back from his highly publicized visit to the Soviet Union and annouced that he saw no signs of any religious persecution in Russia. I was also disappointed about his acceptance of an honorary Doctorate from Belmont (the Catholic school just south of Charlotte,NC). Further...his embrace of many of the big-name contemporary and country musicians on his crusade platforms as well as the presence of Catholic and Anglican "priests" has done nothing to instill confidence among true Bible Believing Christians. All that said...there will thankfully be many (I think) in heaven who sincerely responded to the strict Gospel message that he consistently preached. Any thing he got wrong will be between himself and his Saviour at the Judgement Seat of Christ.....JUST LIKE the rest of us. The ground will be quite LEVEL there.
I've actually been avoiding this thread because I think Dr. Graham's ministry has at times been a confusing contrast over the years. I do believe he falls into the orb of the neo or new evangelicals that I believe have produced much compromise over the years up until the present day by their clear disdain and refutation of the doctrine of Biblical Separation. I was involved in one of the BGEA sponsored movie evangelism efforts back in the early 70's before I was even certain of my own salvation and it was an "anything goes" type of thing with no Biblical standards of conduct or behavior and a very easy type of "believeism" even in those days. I was actually supposed to be a "counselor"...had NO IDEA what to do except get folks to sign a card and turn it over to the "leaders".
As for Dr. Grahams preaching and his personal standards of conduct and financial accountability...I will, even to this day, say NOTHING bad about them. His preaching was ALWAYS a straight, clear presentation of the simple Gospel of Jesus Christ (and he even preached it out of a KJV:thumbs
That said...I was highly disappointed in his lack of discernment when he came back from his highly publicized visit to the Soviet Union and annouced that he saw no signs of any religious persecution in Russia. I was also disappointed about his acceptance of an honorary Doctorate from Belmont (the Catholic school just south of Charlotte,NC). Further...his embrace of many of the big-name contemporary and country musicians on his crusade platforms as well as the presence of Catholic and Anglican "priests" has done nothing to instill confidence among true Bible Believing Christians. All that said...there will thankfully be many (I think) in heaven who sincerely responded to the strict Gospel message that he consistently preached. Any thing he got wrong will be between himself and his Saviour at the Judgement Seat of Christ.....JUST LIKE the rest of us. The ground will be quite LEVEL there.