Creepy! The blasphemy of Mary on the Mercy Seat sitting between the cherubim. We cannot even make this evil up. The RCC volunteers it.
People just don't understand that devout Catholics aren't phased by such shameless wickedness. They are so used to it....and now love it.
Could any of us be shocked if the RC pope one day declares:
"In the beginning was the Mother, and the Mother was with God, and the Mother was God.....this is a great mystery."
Then foolish Catholics would flood internet discussion forums proudly declaring that this has always been the teaching of the Apostles and passed on in Sacred Tradition...just in acorn form.
The evil from the RCC will be never ending...until the Lord puts and stop to it.

Creepy! The blasphemy of Mary on the Mercy Seat sitting between the cherubim. We cannot even make this evil up. The RCC volunteers it.
People just don't understand that devout Catholics aren't phased by such shameless wickedness. They are so used to it....and now love it.
Could any of us be shocked if the RC pope one day declares:
"In the beginning was the Mother, and the Mother was with God, and the Mother was God.....this is a great mystery."
Then foolish Catholics would flood internet discussion forums proudly declaring that this has always been the teaching of the Apostles and passed on in Sacred Tradition...just in acorn form.
The evil from the RCC will be never ending...until the Lord puts and stop to it.
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