Based on Ephesians 6:1-3, it shows that the Spirit through Paul makes appeals to the Law. The Law is not gone for the Believer. Instead the perfected Law of Christ is the consummation of the Law of Moses. We are to obey the Law but we are not supervised, as if by a chaperone for a child in the Greek, by the Law but instead by the Spirit.
The warning is against what I did for months and months, which is legalism. I compared myself to the Law daily and tried to do better and repent when I erred. The Law was my caretaker and not the Spirit, I was not free and at peace. However, now that the Spirit lives inside me, the Law is not written in a book to convict me, so much as on my heart to be lived out. I am free of the Law in the sense that it is not in charge of me, but instead I live by the Spirit. I am obedient to live by the Law but it is Christ who lives through me by His Spirit and not the Law that chaperones me.
That said, appeals to wariness of sinning and making every effort in devotion to God to do good works are common in the NT. Yet, I am not chaperoned by the Law but by the Spirit, whose fruit makes me a fulfill-er of the Law. I continue to work out my salvation as I said before, by devotedly doing good works in veneration, reverence, and awe of God Our Father. All of this is only possible now that my heart has changed. This last part is amazing to realize.
Not long after salvation 2 years ago, I wrote this:
Shockingly, the following days showed my internal world to be changed: Many sins I wrestled with hardly bothered me at all anymore, my mind became sober at last instead of being deranged and scheming, as it had always been since high school, I no longer felt great darkness in me all the time, I wanted to earnestly live a holy life and separate myself from Hollywood culture, I became much better at fighting my temptations, I lost most of the embarrassment I felt when sharing Jesus to others, I found it possible to follow the commands of the bible that I had found impossible to live up to, and my mental health disorders also improved. I truly believe that this experience was my salvation experience. I was now ready to accept the Gospel message and live it out for real.
What counts is a new creation, for if the Law is our chaperone it condemns us, but if by the Cross of Jesus Christ the Spirit is our chaperone, He gives us freedom to be obedient to that very same Law.
I am faced with two research opportunities:
1. Understanding the spiritual solid food (Hebrews 5:12-Hebrews 6:3) of discerning right and wrong and applying myself to the teaching of righteousness.
2. Understanding the basics more by continuing to do an inductive study of the whole NT.
I must do #2 for now, because spiritual milk is still nourishing me so much, but I must look towards doing #1 when I am able to.