Although we all know what a difficult prospect it is to ascertain the heart, intent and motives of another, I am convinced, as I think YOU are too that no one makes such arguments out of a sense of defining God as wicked. Perhaps a little overzealous in explaining how they see YOU and your view at their interpretation of its logical conclusion. I see most arguments (I think you are referring to) to be prefaced by "if things are as you say" (or something similar).
I can agree with you in large part,and speak of God that way is nevertheless blasphemous. It is to take the name of God in vain.
Keep in mind QF that no one that I see in Church history makes such least not any reputable ones.
Yes.... I can sometimes provoke some of the with my number one fan...benjamin:love2: I know he really means me no harm,and secretly he knows that the DoG are true. He is just frustrated in that he only wants to believe ,or see the Promise box verses...all the nice happy ones...without the other side of the sword.
His arguement is not with me ,but with God. Your pal Skan also....he is on a mission 24/7 to combat what he believes are wrong teaching...but the scripture indicates that there are
those who oppose themselves
His posts are very negative in that it seems he has a problem with God allowing sin, suffering, and death, part of His ordained plan. These last couple of threads are mocking the biblical God QF...
Wrong theology,leads to wrong thinking . That is what I see...
Then we have Van...who seeks to re-define verses , tries to explain greek words, then when graciously corrected by Archangel, persists to repeat and amplify it??? Winman chimes in with more of the same,Aic,and a few others chip in...and it is like a great choir of error and heretical concepts...blaming God.....and not sin,.... for the troubles we see here in a sin cursed earth.
murder , hunger, abortion..etc.
They ridicule the historic confessions of the church as if the writers did not have a bible or the Spirit to Guide them.
At this point Mb , or seeking truth, or someone else will make the statement to the effect that ...they only need the bible..etc,
then comes the obligitory man made doctrines objection, or carnal reasoning...
When one of us posts a solid gets brushed off. They do not consider the solidness of the teaching at all. We can tell because the links are never refuted. They are not refuted because no one wants to embarass themselves with such a weak response to a solidly biblical link from a trained teacher.
To try to actually work trough a link and put an answer in a thread will leave their ignorance on display for all to read. So instead of a response we get a one sentence quip....or how can we forget...a debate fallacy

You know not confuse me with the facts...I am a baptist mentality.
How do they oppose themselves??? When ever someone turns from truth they go into darkness.....Benjamin posts about it all the time, but ironically it is exactly where he travels into when he objects to the biblical revelation.
Look at Benjamins post #23....he thinks he is above us here on BB. His condescending tone shows that he reeks of pride,so he strikes out at GLfredrick, or Jbh....or anyone else who does not want to discuss his philosophy.....he "freely Wills" to post such rubbish
I have had many a good discussions with those who do not see through the same theological lens..QF....that is fine and profitable.
But non stop evil speaking and discontent about God's providence is not that kind of discussion.
JC Ryle and Richard Baxter did not fully hold the 5 points...but both were excedingly godly..above and beyond most of that we still read their thoughts and teaching with a view to draw near to God.
I do not see either man railing against God, calvinists , election, or any such thing. let me know if you have found many quotes along that line.
For that matter..calvinists like Spurgeon are more effective in being critical of other calvinists in that we know he knows of the doctrine,and not the perennial strawman we see here.
In calvinist churches....not much time is spent discussing these false ideas here, as much as the Pastor speaks of the Lord and what he is doing in the world ,reaching lost souls.:thumbsup: