Glf...ever read 2 Cor. 4:4? While I admit it is figurative, did not the Holy Spirit inspire that usage? Benjamin is simply stating Christ defeated sin, death and the curse. You disagree with THAT?
Of course not, but THAT is NOT what is being debated here.
What IS being debated is that there is SOME (one, thing, entity, etc.) that GOD must defeat in order to be soley God.
My point is that there is no entity that must be defeated for God to be God.
Here is the opening salvo in this issue:
Skandelon said:
It has always amazed me that some consider it more powerful and 'sovereign' for God to 'play both sides of the chess board' (so to speak), rather than to win a real victory over an actual adversary.
I challeneged Skandelon about this other "actual adversary" for I (rightly) see that he means by that SOME ENEMY OF GOD THAT COULD ACTUALLY CHALLENGE GOD!
My response to that statement is/was as follows:
God has to win no victory over any actual adversary. None exists who can stand at the feet of God and overcome Him.

From there, Benjamin reitterated Skandelon's statement:
Benjamin said:
It is beyond ridiculous that you would openly claim there is no “ACTUAL adversary (evil, sin, and death - SATAN!) to win victory over” and then go about calling it a “heretical statement” for your opposition to ask how it is that there is both: no “actual adversary” and yet God is sovereign over something/anything??? IOWs how it is that God is “playing both sides of the chess board” (both good and evil?)? Can you not see how illogical and fallacious your argument is?! You make a totally illogical claim of “strawman and heresy” and turn toward this Ad Hominem through these accusations of heresy and speak of strawman fallacy while not even offering a valid argument how the claim of your opponent in not true! Sorry bud, but your philosophical debate skills are sorely lacking...quit abusing and trying to rely on terms that you don't fully understand the purpose for or meaning of.
My statement was clear. There is NONE who can challenge God. Even Satan is shown in Scripture as having to ask God permission to act. There is NO enemy that God must defeat in order to be God. Yet, the challenge to that statement continues.
I am not arguing that God -- FOR US -- has defeated death, Satan, and hell, but none of those are actual challenges to God, Himself. To say otherwise is purely heretical and yes, I AM bringing out the H word for this argument.
Who can stand before God?
What other god is there that does not bow to God Almighty.
Whom does God have to defeat in order to be God?
Whom can ACTUALLY fight against God and have any hope of success?
The answer is N

NE. God is sovereign -- PERIOD. There is no challenge to the God of the Bible.
So, what say you?