I wasn't going to share this because there really is no way to prove it.
I had a memory of meeting the Lord in Heaven when I was a tot, and I was asked if I wanted to stay or go back. I wanted to stay because it was wonderful to be with God in that place, but before I could answer, my folks and some people behind them were screaming and crying for me to come back. Jesus then showed me the book of future sins that I would commit as an adult, and so I was grieved because I did not want to be separated from the Lord and that seem to prompt my folks and the people behind them to scream and cry even more. Then Jesus said, "I will see what I can do.." as He saw how I was grieved by my folks and those people behind them that seemed to needed me more desperately for why I was not giving Him an answer that I'd like.
Now I cannot recollect for sure if that dream or memory was right before this traumatic event, but I had awaken in bed being strangled by my own bed sheets. I could not undo the knot that was at my throat that was choking me, and struggling in futility, I prayed to God to save me because I could not say or cry out for help. I had collapsed from my vain effort to die but then when my throat had relaxed, I noticed that I could breathe slightly through that small passageway in my throat, and then I began to undo the knot at my throat. I do not know how my bed sheet whose ends were on strewn out on other side of the bed with that knot around my throat, but God did save me from dying that night.
The next morning, my mother noticed I had blood shot eyes and she was so alarmed that she called my dad over to check me out. I tried to tell them what had happened but they were just relieved that I was all right.
Years later.... I committed those adult sins that I was/am ashamed of, even though it took another ordeal for me to remember that from long ago. Having seen the book, I do not know if those prophetic dreams of my childhood was why I was having them before they came true later on in my young adult life and since then to this present day.
Not every dream I dream was and is a prophetic dream. I never know for sure until it happens afterwards.
In the middle of my childhood, we had moved from the state of Iowa to Pennsylvania where that first night, I had dreamt that I went out to the mailbox, saw tow neighborhood kids walk across an empty lot between their house and our house, ( it was their lot also ) walked into our backyard, and with our garage door open with the backdoor of our garage opened as I did see the two walk past that door clear around the other side of the house and then walked into the garage thru the open garage door and knocked on the door in the garage that led to the kitchen. Odd, right?
The very next day, I went to check the mail because I did not know how fast the mail office would forward our mail to our new place to live and I saw that happened exactly the way the dream went. I had asked "myself" what is going on? Then seemingly, I got an answer from the Lord as this thought came into my head, "The stage is set. The players is in place. The die is cast." It was the summer before I went to school for the fifth grade.
In high school, looking back, I was having prophetic dreams there too but they and the dreams I had as a tot also came true in 1994 in an ordeal that made me remember everything, including the one.. whether it was a dream or a memory of being with Jesus in seeing the book of my future sins that was written of me if I went back and did.
I am just glad that that the one that tried to tell me her name so I would know her when I meet her in the future in a dream is still alive. I don't want to get into that ordeal. It is past and she has married another as prophesied as well.
The Lord has delivered me from my bondage to that sin and is keeping me from it. The "ordeal" I am presently going through was prophesied by many dreams to occur also as it now somehow gives me comfort and assurance that Jesus is still Lord while the world makes me want to go postal or commit suicide, and thus I can rely on Him to keep me from falling and present me faultless to His glory when He comes as the Bridegroom, because I know I did not want to be separated from Him because of those iniquities or any other ones. I wish I was dead to be present with the Lord, but He is helping me to wait by His grace.
I was an arranged birth. My dad's sister could not have children and so her husband knew my mother and I was born to be given to them after the weaning was over, but time went by and I did not want to be dumped off at my uncle. I remember the relatives giving my mother a hard time, saying God will not forgive her. As a tot, I did not know what was going on and I said "God will forgive her." and one of them said, "You wouldn't if you knew what she did." And I replied, "God will forgive her and so will I."
If I had died that day by a freak accident of being strangled by my own bedsheets, I would imagine suspicion and paranoia would lead to finger pointing, blaming, and accusations of my murder for why my folks and those other people behind them were screaming and crying for me to come back, but there were other reasons because of future people I was to meet later on in life... especially for the one I love. Then the Lord reminded me of a dream as a tot before that nightmare of her dying, that I was in Heaven with her and I was so glad she was there when my mother woke me up because I was talking in my sleep.
The girl in my dreams had said something that made me doubt I would see her in Heaven just as she said something in real life leaving me to wonder if she really believed in God when she said that the marriage was just a piece of paper. Man, I wish I had remembered that dream that my mother had awaken me up from so that nightmare of her dying would not panic me so when I was seeing my childhood dreams coming true in 1994. She is still alive today and I live in hope of being with her in Heaven even though she was chiding me in that dream I love for thinking that she would not be there. I know that the firstfruits of the resurrection, there is no marriage in Heaven as we would be like the angels and live forever, but I thank the Lord for having His love for her as I hope in Him to see my Christian sister in Heaven soon at the pre great trib rapture event.