From their website:
Some of this should be removed. A few years ago they removed their previous subtitle for their website to make them more open to other denominations.
I didn't know they still associate that closely with the SBC still because when they changed their focus, the board members specifically said their mission was to go beyond the SBC.
For instance, Gary Hendrix is a close friend, if not on the board, and is not a SBCer. I know Fred Malone, Tom Nettles, Tom Ascol, and Bill Ascol, but I am not sure they are all still on the board.
Yet, even with this, I would not think their goals were adverse or even varying in direction from the SBC. Danny Akin, for instance, is not reformed but thinks Founders are in alignment with the Baptist Faith and Message 2000. So, I do not think they are sectarian and while not in the majority, they are in alignment with the SBC in general.