Then like Skandelon, you do not believe men are saved by grace alone through faith alone.
Shame on you, Luke. You have just accused me of not being a Christian. I challenge you to provide a single quote where I even come close to this conclusion. Debate my actual words, not your straw-man.
You believe men are saved by grace through faith and through acting somehow upon that faith.
What is the difference between dead faith and living faith according to James? What is the difference in the belief that demons have and the belief that true children of God have? How do we tell the difference? That is what we are discussing. Faith that doesn't result in fruit may be mental assent to facts, but it is not SAVING FRUIT PRODUCING FAITH! True faith will always lead to works.
The Bible clearly teaches that people who REALLY believe DO act but not that they have to act in order to be saved. All they have to do is BELIEVE.
Agreed, but if they don't act then we can rightly concluded they didn't have saving faith can't we? Thus, "we will know them by their fruits." Faith without works does not save because its not living faith. See James.
But you believe that man has to believe AND act- which I think is not biblical and dangerous.
Luke, if a person believes and rebells, like a demon, are they saved? Your problem is that you assume that belief in the clearly revealed truth will always lead to submission to that truth and that is simply untrue, unbiblical and dangerous.