Originally posted by carpro:
The list is misleading and apparently you or someone else hand picked them to best make your point.
BTW Where are George H.W. Bush, Bob Dole, and Zell Miller since you didn't respond the first time.
Not that it matters to the central thrust of this thread, but I'll take a moment to respond to your "gerrymandered" list.
Military Service in the Congress by Party
(Combined House of Representatives and Senate)
Republicans with military service: 15.7%
Democrats with military service: 9.7%
Independants with military service: 0.2%
Military Service in the Senate Armed Services Committee by Party
Republicans with military service: 26.1%
Democrats with military service: 13%
Military Service in the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee by Party
Republicans with military service: 28.6%
Democrats with military service: 7.1%
Independants with military service: 7.1%
Military Service in the House Committee on Armed Services by Party
Republicans with military service: 19.7%
Democrats with military service: 13.1%
Military Service in the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs by Party
Republicans with military service: 24%
Democrats with military service: 12%
I don't know where you got your numbers but this comes from the Senate web site.
The 108 Congress A Profile
Congress is composed of 540 individuals from the 50 states, as well as the District
of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and American Samoa. This
count assumes that no seat is temporarily vacant.2 The following is a profile of the 108th
Party Breakdown
In the 108th Congress, the current party breakdown in the House is 227 Republicans,
210 Democrats (including five Delegates), and one Independent who is aligned with the
Democrats. The Senate has 51 Republicans, 48 Democrats, and one Independent who is
aligned with the Democrats.
Military Service14
There are 153 Members of the 108th Congress who have had some form of military service, some 14 fewer than in the 107th Congress. The House has 117 veterans: 69
Republicans and 48 Democrats, including one woman, who is a Republican. In the
Senate, 35 Members is veterans: 19 Republicans and 16 Democrats. They have served in World War II, the Korean War, Vietnam, the Persian Gulf, and Kosovo, and during times of peace, as well as in the Reserves and the National Guard. One Senator is a former Secretary of the Navy. There has been a steady decline in the number of Members who have served in the military, which may be attributed in part to the end of the Selective Service System draft in 1973.
Total Congress
227+51 = 278
Veterans 69
% Vet = 69/278 = 25%
210+49 = 259
Veterans 48
% Vet = 48/259 = 19%