Hey, a cat ALMOST got into my house!!:tongue3::tongue3: Can I count that for a just a few points?:saint:
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Not necessarily...
First off, the only people capable of "Christian Love" are believers... period.
Second, while reducing racial "tensions" is certainly an admirable thing, it isn't exclusively a "Christian" thing. Believers and non-believers can be doing those things... Remember tidy man, good works don't merit God's grace.
This is exactly how the Biblical Gospel gets replaced with the "social justice gospel." Jesus came to redeem the hearts of men, not create a social utopia.
And yes, I have had the rainbow of different people in my home... long and short term. My kids are examples.
Here my friend Jemima, comes over every time we have pancakes.
And yes, I am mocking you. Your question shows how dumb liberals are. Just because you have had a Korean or African American or whatever over to your house does not prove you are not a bigot. In fact, anyone who has to tell other people they have had a black or oriental or any other person in their home is really showing they are bigoted. At the very least you are worried you are a bigot, and must prove to others you are not.
Taking a large class of people together and assigning the same beliefs and actions to all of them, as you and most of the CONs here do, is inherently discrimination.
The question is a simply question and not racist in any way. I do find it interesting how few have answered the question.
I have had house guests who are:
African Americans
and others.
Why does this seem like boasting to me?
Perhaps so few have answered the question because they are uncomfortable boasting.
Nah, it's just too easy !!!!
Simply answering the question i not boasting. Answer the question.
Ah, but that's the whole point. By answering the question from the original post, one must agree with the original poster that having minorities in one's home makes one more righteous ..... and more liberal than others. I don't agree with that. Ergo, I can't answer the question without rolling my eyes.
The question itself was a boast. And a dare. An "I-dare-you-to-prove-your-love-of-those-different-than-you" type of thing. Any serious answering of it is, as I said earlier, just a p***ing contest.
I have had minorities in my home, but not very often. Does that REALLY mean something to anyone? Does that REALLY tell anyone anything at all about my Christianity, my politics, or my character? I would hope that we were not all that superficial.
I'm not. I can't tell anything about people by knowing or not knowing if they have had minorities in their homes or not.
The real test as to whether or not one is a racist is how one speaks of them or refers to them when they are NOT around. Any white person can be courteous to a black person who is a guest in their home or a co-worker. It's how that white person refers to black people when no black people are around that betrays any racist tendencies.
How may of you have had a black person as a house guest? I have.
Taking a large class of people together and assigning the same beliefs and actions to all of them, as you and most of the CONs here do, is inherently discrimination.
discrimination - treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit: racial and religious intolerance and discrimination.
The Bible tells us to treat people as individuals not as part of large groups.
Gal 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
I find the OP a very racist question. Why focus on one group of people? What is the purpose of asking about how many of us had someone from that one group of people stay in our home? If I have not had one of these people in my home, does that make me bad/evil/racist/sinful?? What if I have? Am I better? I don't know but I've had PEOPLE stay in my home - saved and unsaved. THAT is the only division I worry about. The unsaved heard the Gospel, the saved were wonderful fellowship.
I just don't understand the line of questioning.
He did it because billwald was trying to find an underhanded way to call people on this board racist.
By the way, for those scoring at home, his attempt failed miserably.
You know the sad thing? I think there are a couple of people on this board that would be sad to know I'm not racist. They really wish I was, because it helps them be more puffed up.
Cleverness is not wisdom.
Why don't you just answer his question?
Do you know how to keep a liberal in suspense?
Simply answering the question i not boasting. Answer the question.