Cod brain? Did you seriously call me a name? What kind of believer are you?? (#1. Maybe it is late and you mistook your name for Alitide. Please read again. #2 What kind of believer am I? A true one. So what is the problem?
But back to the topic at hand. Let's look at God's Word and not yours:
1 Corinthians 10:27 "If one of the unbelievers invites you to dinner and you are disposed to go, eat whatever is set before you without raising any question on the ground of conscience. "(Uh...yeah, when you are going to witness to them. But since this was something for the people of Christ to try to witness to them, and had to do with meat offered to idols, why do you still think that I said something bad to you? Did you not read #118? And the 'cod' thing had nothing to do with you, unless you just want it to be.)
So we are to eat dinner with unbelievers if we're invited. (No kidding. Guess you never read anything before this. Try reading about where I said we are to share the Gospel. It's totally different than hanging around with them. I don't understand why you don't go back and read what I wrote instead of trying to continue this. I will be as plain as I can. What 'little' you read from my replies you have not understood.
1 Corinthians 5:9-10 "I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people— not at all meaning the sexually immoral of this world, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world. "(This was to, as you are talking about, teaching the Word of God to others.)
Paul shows it clearly here that we're not to disassociate from the immoral of the world because then we'd have to leave the world. (No. It says that these people are just as worthy of salvation, and that these people are 'invited' to accept Christ just as all are.Have to leave the world? You mean John 8:23-26?)
We have had many people in our home - and many unbelievers. We've housed them, helped them, counseled them and helped all of them learn about Jesus Christ - leading to their salvation in many of the cases.(More power to you. Where in any of my posts have I been against that......Oh....I know, not hanging around people who reject the Word, not only in deed but by actually hearing it and saying no, AFTER hearing it. I will never be hostile (You think I'm hostile because I will not allow unbelievers in my home?)to an unbeliever because I'm a child of the King - a King who was never hostile to the unbeliever. I would never be able to have tea with my neighbor, getting into her life enough for her to see Jesus in our home and making her notice Him. I would never have sat in the other room as my husband led a dear brother to Christ in our living room after a particular difficult time in his life that brought him to his knees. I'd never be able to have my brother over for us to continue to give him the Gospel so that, if it's God's will, he will someday not just be my earthly brother but a brother by Spirit.(Fantastic! But you will condemn me for not having people in my home, with my child, who have told me out-right, that they would rather worship satan and would sacrifice my wife and child if required? You would condemn me not to have someone in my home that has told me that God is a myth, then he/she spits on Him, and doesn't care?
That happened once.
It will not happen again.
I don't go and do all of the things that unbelievers do to "win" them to Christ (probably not, since unbelievers rarely try to turn people to Christ.)but I will most certainly give my life to spread the Gospel. (Good for you. Again, what's the problem?)I follow Jesus' example of ministering to the lost since He is my Teacher. I will continue to have them in my home to present the Gospel and pray for them that God would open their hearts - and He's done so. It's a privilege to be able to be a part of that.