I started a thread several years ago about a man who came to me with a story of how his wife divorced him to force him out of the ministry. It was a fairly controversial thread, but it seemed that the majority of Board members here felt that he was Biblically banned from Pastoring. I haven't been very active on this board in the interim, but I have been watching and reading.
This man's story really peaked my interest in the topic of women having ultimate control over whether a man can be a Pastor or not (or with some churches, whether he can even be a member in good standing). I have spent a great deal of time talking to hundreds of people and I have found that women in IFB churches often use the divorce card to control their husbands, both in and out of the Pastorate. It seems to be fairly common to find men who were committed to the ministry who are now out because their wives left them, and often they are shunned by the very churches they were serving. One of the more famous people who was divorced by his wife because he was in the ministry was Charles Weigle, author of "No one ever cared for me like Jesus."
Is it the opinion of those on this board that it is acceptable for a women to have that level of control over a man? If so how do you reconcile that stance with 1 Timothy 2:12?
What would you do if you awoke to a note from your wife saying she was divorcing you, maybe for no other reason that she got tired of being in church (you had been a loving, caring, attentive husband)?
What would you do if your wife demanded that you get out of the Pastorate or she would divorce you?
What would you do if your wife demanded that you get completely out of church or she would divorce you?
What would you do if your wife demanded you deny Christ or she would divorce you?
(I've heard stories of all these demands occurring)
Please don't use the "my wife would never do that" excuse. I'd say that 90% plus of the men I've spoken to thought the same things prior to their wives leaving. It's surprising how many of these wives professed salvation prior to leaving, but later turned to drugs, alcohol, etc.
How would you feel if your church "family" shunned you because of the divorce, even though you did nothing wrong?
This man's story really peaked my interest in the topic of women having ultimate control over whether a man can be a Pastor or not (or with some churches, whether he can even be a member in good standing). I have spent a great deal of time talking to hundreds of people and I have found that women in IFB churches often use the divorce card to control their husbands, both in and out of the Pastorate. It seems to be fairly common to find men who were committed to the ministry who are now out because their wives left them, and often they are shunned by the very churches they were serving. One of the more famous people who was divorced by his wife because he was in the ministry was Charles Weigle, author of "No one ever cared for me like Jesus."
Is it the opinion of those on this board that it is acceptable for a women to have that level of control over a man? If so how do you reconcile that stance with 1 Timothy 2:12?
What would you do if you awoke to a note from your wife saying she was divorcing you, maybe for no other reason that she got tired of being in church (you had been a loving, caring, attentive husband)?
What would you do if your wife demanded that you get out of the Pastorate or she would divorce you?
What would you do if your wife demanded that you get completely out of church or she would divorce you?
What would you do if your wife demanded you deny Christ or she would divorce you?
(I've heard stories of all these demands occurring)
Please don't use the "my wife would never do that" excuse. I'd say that 90% plus of the men I've spoken to thought the same things prior to their wives leaving. It's surprising how many of these wives professed salvation prior to leaving, but later turned to drugs, alcohol, etc.
How would you feel if your church "family" shunned you because of the divorce, even though you did nothing wrong?