Phillip: You are exactly right. Only the situation for materialists is far worse. We must also consider the difference between "necessary" and "sufficient". The finely tuned conditions in the universe in general, and in our solar system in particular, are necessary for life, but they are not sufficient for life. Suppose that the universe was 30 billion years old (10 to the 18th seconds), and 10 to the 80th supposedly represents the approximate number of sub-atomic particles in the visible universe. The maximum number of chemical reactions that could occur per atom/per second (based on Planck time & Planck length) is 10 to the 18th. So, 10 to the 18th times 10 to the 18th times 10 to the 80th gives us the maximum number of chemical reactions that could occur in the entire universe in 30 billion years - 10 to the 116th. Now, a single, average sized protein of 150 amino acids can be arranged in 10 to the 195th different ways, and that's assuming that chance managed to randomly only select left-handed alpha amino acids (a 1 in 1,000 chance for each position) and then place them in the correct sequence, and only with peptide bonds and get them to fold into the right three dimensional shape to perform some biological function. One scientist, Douglas Axe, compared the odds of chance producing such a protein as equivalent to a blind search finding a single marked atom somewhere in the Milky Way Galaxy. Actually, the odds of finding that special atom is about a billion times more likely than chance producing just one average protein.
And one functional protein is useless in biology. The simplest extant life-form known to man requires 482 different proteins. And it gets worse! Proteins can't self-replicate. DNA contains the information necessary to synthesize proteins, but it takes proteins to read the information. So, DNA without proteins can't make proteins. Proteins without DNA can't either. Scientists performing minimal-complexity experiments think that a primitive cell could survive with as few as 250 proteins, but they have no experimental evidence to back that up. And biology at the molecular level is vastly more complex than coming up with the necessary proteins. Believing in Creation is easy compared to the mental gymnastics that evolutionists have to go through.