DHK,sometimes I think you people confuse "redemption" with "salvation". Christ died, once, for all. That is redemption. He paid the price. The gates of heaven were opened once again and because of Christ's passion, death and resurrection all of mankind has the opportunity to spend eternity with God as his adopted sons and daughters. Redemption required nothing on the part of man.
The gates of heaven were never closed.
Where did you get that idea?
Salvation is quite another issue. It requires a response by man to the saving grace that God has made available through Christ's redemption. Our response to God's grace is the deciding factor in whether or not we are saved. And this response is not limited to a one time moment of sincerity, but is an ongoing requirement. We can always choose to reject God's grace, even after accepting it at one point in our lives. That is why, like Paul, we work out our salvation with fear and trembling.
You misquote a verse of scripture because you don't understand it, and then pit it against the rest of the Bible. That is pitiful.
Redemption is God paying the purchase price.
From Webster:
1. Repurchase of captured goods or prisoners; the act of procuring the deliverance of persons or things from the possession and power of captors by the payment of an equivalent; ransom; release; as the redemption of prisoners taken in war; the redemption of a ship and cargo.
6. In theology, the purchase of God's favor by the death and sufferings of Christ; the ransom or deliverance of sinners from the bondage of sin and the penalties of God's violated law by the atonement of Christ.
Romans 3:23 For
all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
--That is our position.
24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:
--Justified freely: (Justified: [just as if I never sinned])
by his grace,
and by faith--Rom. 5:1
How? through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.
. Through the redemption (dia tês apolutrôseôs). A releasing by ransom (apo, lutrôsis from lutroô and that from lutron, ransom). God did not set men right out of hand with nothing done about men's sins. We have the words of Jesus that he came to give his life a ransom (lutron) for many (Mr 10:45; Mt 20:28). Lutron is common in the papyri as the purchase-money in freeing slaves (Deissmann, Light from the Ancient East, pp. 327f.). That is in Christ Jesus (têi en Christôi Iêsou). There can be no mistake about this redemption. It is like Joh 3:16. --A.T. Robertson
Redemption is told in the story of Ruth when Boaz redeemed or paid the purchase price for Ruth and also purchased the land. He did it for Naomi.
Hosea pictures redemption as he goes after her wife, no matter how much grief she has caused him, and buys her back, actually purchase her "off the auction block" from slavery once again, and takes her back again to be his wife. That is redemption.
That is what Christ did for us. He paid the purchase price--a price we could never pay--the penalty of our own sin.
Through redemption he provided salvation. It is a one time offer. You are a sinner. You need a savior. There is only one person that can provide that salvation, and that is Christ. He said: I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes unto the Father but by me.
No baptism, no church, no confirmation or any amount of sacraments will ever contribute to salvation. Salvation is through Christ and him alone.
If a man swims in the ocean and the tide carries him out too far, he starts yelling out: "Help, Save me! Save me!" and keeps crying out like that.
A man on a pier hears his cry and shouts back: "If you swim to shore you will be saved."
Good advice; but if he could do that he wouldn't be crying out to be saved. He needs help, and now! Or he will perish in those cold waters. He needs someone more powerful than himself to reach down and pull him out of the waters that he is drowning in.
Sinful man needs someone more powerful than himself to reach down and pull himself out of the sea of sin that he is sinking in lest he die and drown and go to hell. The only person that actually has the power to do that is Christ. He alone can save. The drowning man cannot do anything of himself to save himself. His life (his salvation) is entirely at the mercy of someone else. And so our salvation is entirely at the mercy of Jesus Christ. The work is all done by him, and nothing is done by us. We cannot merit salvation. It is given to us.
Baptism, the sacraments, etc., are an insult to God as works required for salvation. They take away from the work of Christ. You cannot save yourself.