Came across the following objection to theism in general and Christianity in particular.
How can God confine someone to an infinite hell for a finite amount of sin?
I would be interested in how you might "debate" this issue with such a skeptic.
This issue is not difficult to understand if dozens of scriptures are used to complete the whole doctrinal picture, but the problem is that laying all the scriptures out takes a lot of space and time (a lot of scriptures which must be sewn together somehow in as concise a manner as possible in order to keep the points from the various pieces from being lost while the other pieces are put together.
Here's the outline:
1. People go to hell for one sin only and that is rejecting the word of God without ever repenting after they have been enlightened by the Holy Spirit as He draws them to Christ. Jesus said all other sins shall be forgiven men because He became the propitiation for the sins of the whole world.
2. Those who willfully reject God's command to be saved become guilty of choosing sin over righteousness and, like the angels which fell with satan, become willing participants in the sins of the whole world. They not only must suffer punishment for their own sins, and the sin of rejecting the horrible suffering death of the Savior, but every sin of every other sinner becomes theirs to answer for as well. They make themselves willing partakers of other mens sins.
Take abortion, for example. Who is guilty of murdering babies besides the abortionist doctor? Those who passed the laws, those who enforce those laws, the judges who rule in favor of those laws, the people who elect those who pass those laws, etc. Who was responsible for the murder of innocent Jews during the holocaust under Hitler? Every God-hating rebel against God who did nothing to stop that madman.
Unrepentant sinners make up what the Bible refers to as the world and the world is the enemy of God and they act as a unit to further the devil's evil work and to thwart God's work, and for that they rightly incur the wrath of God that will be poured out on the whole world of wicked men with equal fiery vengence for all the horrible wicked things the whole world has, in unity, done against God and His people.
The sheer volume of, and the horror of, and the atrocities of those wickednesses that are laid on every wicked individual who willfully refused to be delivered from sin will never be equally met by an eternal fiery judgment at the hands of a holy and righteous God. Has anyone been intimately acquainted with the gory details of a brutal rape, torture, and murder of a young girl who begged for mercy at the hands of her middle-aged, sadistic, unfeeling, mentally twisted killer? If that was a loving father's or mother's only 9 year old daughter and they were shown the gory details and made aware of her unheeded cries for mercy, would they want to just forgive the man and ask him to not do something like that again? Not if they are normal, and God is more than normal, he is going to miserably destroy the whole lot of the unrepentant wicked for their participation in every sin ever commited by any one of them in the unified world system.