Originally Posted by Benjamin
To address the above shallow question begging-strawman perspective on Divine Sovereignty:
Yes, God is Sovereign, “Providentially Sovereign” over His creatures, He is not “Deterministically Sovereign”. God saves in grace according to His genuine Righteous Judgment, which is His True Way (Deut 32:4) of which is conditional upon a response of faith (Rom 4:5). A theology of “Deterministic” Sovereignty being necessarily backed up by the declaration that there is no genuine volition for His creatures to respond excludes any logical means of true or righteous judgment in the matter. God is Providentially Sovereign over the matter of salvation, in this matter He has provided the means that all should come to faith in love of the truth. He has revealed this truth to all; therefore there will be no excuse for any man because of not having the volitional ability based on that they truly do have the means to respond to His influences which they truly will be judged upon, (Rom 1:17-20).
To suggest man has no volition and reasoning abilities whatsoever is hyper-deterministic neo-Calvinism and to merely deny the nature man was divinely created to have, it is to deny the whole of scripture for a boxed-in deterministic philosophical system, which in effect makes the Good News meaningless but to a specially pre-selected few and renders His judgment to be empty and pointless. A system proclaiming deterministic sovereignty sadly denies the true gospel message a believer SHOULD be presenting in the world:
(Rom 10:9) If you declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Note: You is used 4 times in this verse. You'll be surprised by how much "you" there is in a book that supposedly says that we do nothing.
Here is the true and meaningful, loving message of light, from our God of Love, that an unspoiled believer (Col 2:8) should be concerning himself with and presenting to the world, rather than a message of darkness – doctrines of no real hope and total inability, of course, unless they were lucky enough to be one of the specially pre-selected:
(Joh 1:9) That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.
(1Jn 1:5) This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.
Very sad that some get so caught up in this “intellectually stimulating” neo-Calvinist Determinist dogma that they neglect the True Nature of God and would discount His Loving plan of redemption from the foundation of the world from being genuinely offered to ALL His creatures to being a secretly disingenuous offer that is really only given through the luck of the draw to the pre-selected few!
It is clear that it is the neo-Calvinists/Determinists that needs to rethink their theology and put these fascinations with philosophical creedal instruction and their so-called “irrefutable truths” behind.
Excellent response, Bro. Benjamin! :thumbs: Amen!:godisgood:
Well, thank you!
It seems to have pushed a few buttons, but that others might not appreciate my understanding and expression of God's attributes and the TRUE Gospel message and will attack with everything in their arsenal is to be expected.
Yes...God is Good!