No. The migrations happened long before that.As for the animal migration throughout the world, that gets into the Ice Age and other issues which you have already denied.
"The origins of migration remain in the realm of pure conjecture; neither observation nor experiment has resolved the matter. The explanation, however, must be related to geographical and climatological factors that have prevailed since the Neogene Period, which ended some 2,600,000 years ago. The great Quaternary ice ages, which came later, were very important in altering the distribution of animals over a large part of the world, but migrations occurred long before."
Migration - Origin and evolution of migration | animal
I do think the move was fast and that mountains were pushed up as a result. The issue is when and in what nature this happened. To happen completely in this nature there are big heat problems.Therefore, I have not presented opposing scientific thinking to you on that point but now I am saying that your assumption is not agreed to by people such as Dr. Baumgardner at Los Alamos. You essentially do not believe in rapid plate movement but you have failed to account for the high mountains along the coastlines.
Some interpret that to mean several things. Some think it was just the languages. Others, the nations also. Other include the separating of the continents. I even include the separation of the spiritual plane from the physical one! Angels used to marry women in the former nature, and if we recall, the folks at Babel seemed to think a spiritual area was not that high above earth. In this modern nature, we know that is not the case.As for Peleg, let me first post the KJV: Genesis 10:25 (KJV) And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of one [was] Peleg; for in his days was the earth divided; and his brother's name [was] Joktan.
1 Chronicles 1:19 (KJV) And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of the one [was] Peleg; because in his days the earth was divided: and his brother's name [was] Joktan.
Now you are saying, and correct me if I am wrong, that the expression "in his days was the earth divided" means the continents were formed. Others are saying that it is talking about how people finally spread out after God confounded the languages at the Tower of Babel.
There was still the world that was that should leave some fossils or evidence of some sort, no matter how bad the year of the flood was. The point of the flood was to destroy man off the earth, so all that takes is to drown em. I see no need to try and attribute all fossils and layers to that year.Here again, you underestimate the catastrophe of the flood and the upheaval that it caused that destroyed the world before Noah once and for all so that we really have little idea of what Noah's world was like before the flood.