I prayed the indelible prayer:
If this gift of tongues is not from You then please take it away and no matter how hard I search for it, never let me have it. If this gift is from You, please open me up to the grammar of these languages.
I seem to have lost the so-called "gift of tongues." Of course, the real gift of tongues would still exist and I believe be for the modem day but as real languages, even unknown languages that are really used beyond this earth.
Now I have to see what the gift of interpretation of tongues is in Charismatic churches.
Ok so let's discuss it.
1. If that exercise in tongues was not of God - then it was fake.
2. IF as we see in Acts 2 and as you say above the real gift of tongues is real languages that real people speak and know - then all the forms of gibberish are fake no matter how "sincere" the practitioner of it.
3. But what does the Bible say? In Acts 2 and in 1Cor 14 it appears to be foreign languages and a "sign to unbelievers" not to believers. Only real foreign languages would fit the bill.
I seem to have lost my "gift of interpretation of tongues" as well.
I have prayed the same prayer on the gift of prophecy, and I still have it. In fact the first words to me were "Jesus is Lord."
I now know that "Word of wisdom" is in fact a spiritual gifting in wisdom and not prophecy. I would argue it is still revelatory in a real way though as the end product is for edification. Then again I wonder if the gift of teaching or preaching are revelatory in some way as well. The end product is for edification after all.
1. Given that the particular form of "tongues" you mentioned turned out to be fake - not real surprise that the interpretation of them - also fake.
Now that leaves prophecy.
100,000 pages of prophetic messages via the gift of prophecy - Seventh-day Adventists are perhaps more versed in how this actually works - than the average Christian denomination -- by a long shot.
First what does the Bible say ?
Numbers 12
“Hear now My words:
If there is a prophet among you,
I, the Lord, shall make Myself known to him
in a vision.
I shall speak with him in a dream.
7 “
Not so, with My servant Moses,
He is faithful in all My household;
With him I speak mouth to mouth,
Even openly, and not in dark sayings,
And he beholds the form of the Lord.
Why then were you not afraid
To speak against My servant, against Moses?”
Both Aaron and Miriam were admitted to be prophets - but God reprimands them contrasting His form of communication with Prophets - vs - the way He communicated with Moses.