Hello everyone,
I know it has been a long time. I have left the message board because my views on theology have changed drastically. I am now a member of the prayer and worship movement started by IHOPKC and Mike Bickle. I am currently attending a new church in Orlando that is a house of prayer, having left Baptist churches behind for now.
I have an amazing testimony of how I was plucked by God out of my classical cessationist theology and planted in the theology of the the international house of prayer Kansas City in a matter of weeks. I may end up sharing it later on this thread.
I don't really consider myself a non-Baptist though. That is because I still hold to the Baptist distinctives, for now. Although, I would probably only feel at home in a "Baptacostal" church at this point.
The main thing that convinced me to leave for the house of prayers was actually getting powerful spiritual gifts. I now speak in tongues, interpret tongues, perform miracles, have words of wisdom, prophetically intercede, prophetically sing, have prophetic dreams, have visions, have prophetic impressions, hear an audible prophetic voice, get the words of the Holy Spirit put into my mouth sometimes, and prophetically write theology, bible teachings, and foreign policy. All by His grace. I kid you not, I now do all of that in the last few months.
I have every confirmation I will ever need to prove the Charismatic movement is genuinely of God. Yet, I must warn that there are charlatans, false prophets, false teachers, and even false apostles that we must be wary of. A love of reading and researching the bible and an absolute fidelity to the bible are what I have found is needed to venture into this world and not be deceived. A testing spirit, not a critical spirit, but a spirit of testing everyone and everything is also needed.
I thank this board for nurturing me in the faith. However, I must point out that it seems we argue here for the sake of argument than really make any breakthrough on understanding truth. I learn far more going to church, studying the bible, praying, and using my spiritual gifts than coming on the board.
I do want to mention that I have given up my extreme judgmental-ism of those in the Church. I am trying to stop any desire to be divisive or schismatic. I even admit Roman Catholics, Anglicans, Eastern Orthodox, and Oriental Orthodox are in fact Christians. I may disagree with a ton of their theology, but I see the presence of their salvation.
Thanks everyone,