Palin is an excellent VP choice because she has a son in the military, so she is a military mom. She will be careful in putting our troops needlessly in harm's way, should she ever become President, and if John McCain should be unable to serve, she would be the next President, so her world view is extremely important and her views on everything are extremely important.
So to answer your post, what revenge? Did your son sign up or was he drafted? I can only empathize with your complaint if your son was drafted, and he wasn't. The last I heard, we have a volunteer military.
So, don't get me wrong. I thank your son for the sacrifice he is making for our country. Apparently you have a different POV than your son, but voting for Obama will not only guarantee more slaughter of innocents in the womb, but could very well jeopardize our national security because of his world view.