'But when it pleased reveal His Son in me...' (Gal 1:15f). When it pleased God for Paul to believe, he believed. God doesn't dance attendance on people, waiting for them to 'accept' Him. He moves sovereignly in their lives. He is God, you know.
Proof that God hand picks and sovereignly calls out his divinely appointed messengers is not proof that he does likewise with those who hear his message. For example, it is clear that God used normative/outward means (not an irresistible inward working mind you) to convince Jonah to preach in Nineveh, but this is not proof that God is somehow working effectually to make the individual Ninivites to responded in faith to his message. God may sovereignly intervene to ensure His divinely appointed message is delivered and delivered with accuracy, but doesn't in any way prove that God sovereignly intervenes to ensure certain individuals to believe and follow that message.
The scripture doesn't say "god" in a generic meaning. It says, "God," as in the Lord God who also opens her eyes.Why not? The Pope is a 'god-worshipper.' o are Mormons and JWs, not to mention Islamic terrorists.
I never said they were "saved." I just said they weren't "Total Depraved" in the way defined by Calvinists.But attending the synagogue didn't mean they were saved, any more than the Jews were; they were still lost-
Correct. (presuming of course they wouldn't have heard through some other means of course had Peter or Paul been disobedient and not told them)Unless God had sent Peter to Cornelius and Paul to Lydia to proclaim Christ to them, they would have died in their sins.
Correct. And what are the means by which God draws men to himself?The 'snake on a pole' is a figure of Christ. Whoever looked at the serpent was healed, and whoever looks to the Lord Jesus Christ in repentance and faith will be saved, but the fact is that people don't look unless God the Father draws them (John 3:19; 6:44 etc.).
The gospel.
That was being hidden from the Jews in parables and hadn't been fully revealed to even the apostles until Christ had been lifted up. It's not until Christ is lifted up that "he will draw all men to Himself." (Jn 12) So, as Christ ascends to heaven he sends out his divinely appointed, hand picked apostles to take the good news to every creature (first to the Jew and then to the Gentile). In Acts 2 we see some of the same people who cried "crucify him" and who were undoubtedly in the audience when Jesus preached in John 6 come to faith when Peter preached the gospel. In John 6 Israel was being blinded/hardened, but in Acts 2 we see these same people coming to faith. Why? Israel was being temporarily hardened to ensure the crucifixion. The gospel was now being proclaimed and the gospel IS the power of God unto salvation.
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