Wrong, dear Brother, wrong!! Death COULD NOT take place until sin first abound!!! Adam and Eve COULD NOT die until AFTER they ate of the forbidden tree, and then they died spiritually(because of what THEY did), and the sentence of physical death was placed upon all mankind due to this!! We die spiritually when sin is conceived in our soul.
Calv1: Nice Philosophy! "Sin abound"? That is from the womb, "They sin from the womb, telling lies". Since when does the Baptist Church become the Mormon Church by denying orgininal sin????? You are inversely saying we are born righteous, for only the righteous, not the innocent like Adam and Eve, can inherit the Kingdom of God.
Children of God, you need to STUDY before you open your mouths, this forum is old wives tales and non-sense, you are just making things up off of your traditions and imagination.
I've come to the conclusion that I will debate anyone on this forum. The moderator will probably cut me off because I want him first, but I challenge anyone here (Aside from my brothers)
Look closely at that which I bolded. What law has a new born babe committed?? When does the law come to them?? The law, when it confronts us, shows us how vile we are, and then we die.
Calv1: Wrong, try again. We are vile from the womb. Think this way, even if Christ died only for our sins, we would only revert back to Adams innocence. But that is not what Christ did, He also lived a rightous life for us, so we can be where Christ is, that is rightous, at the right hand of the Father. This is imputed on infants to show God's glory, although everything about infants is a mystery. In your synergist form, ALL infants go to Hell, but in the biblical truth of monogesim God is FREE to save whom He will.
Rom. 7:7 What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet. Right here Apostle Paul he had not known sin except by the law!!
Calv1: How typical that you use NO EXEGESIS! Is not the law applicable to all? You are a universalist
8 But sin, taking occasion by the commandment, wrought in me all manner of concupiscence. For without the law sin was dead.
What is sin? It's a transgression of the law. What law can a new born babe break??
9 For I was alive without the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died. Apostle Paul states plainly that he was alive without the law, but when sin revived, he died. I'll take the Holy Ghost inspiried(sp?) writing of Paul anyday!!
Calv1: Are you REALLY trying to say that Paul was "Alive", IE Rightous? Wake up forum! Yea, he was alive killing Christians, contrary to Romans 1, will you stop at nothing to say we are righteous at birth?
10 And the commandment, which was ordained to life, I found to be unto death.
11 For sin, taking occasion by the commandment, deceived me, and by it slew me.
Now, answer these two questions for me. No one else has been able to, but maybe, just maybe, you can. How could Apostle Paul be alive without the law, and be spiritually dead? And, how can you slay a "dead thing"? Apostle Paul stated that sin slew him. So to "slew" something, it must be alive prior to being slayed, correct?? Now answer these questions before you carry this discussion with me any further, please?
Wrong again, dear Brother!! I'll admit, you trying, but your putting emphasis on the wrong "death" here. Adam's sin placed natural death on all mankind. Our sins our what seperates us from God.
Agree with this right here. Jesus came to straighten out the mess Adam and Eve caused!!
Wrong again, dear Brother!! Physical death is a guarantee, and there is nothing-not even the blood of Christ- will stop our physical bodies from dying. The blood cleanses our soul, and makes it alive again.
We were born with the "death sentence" placed upon our physical body, and the ability to sin, by Adam's transgression. Adam and Eve were created sinless, but they eventually sinned. The same can be said for Lucifer as well. They chose to sin, and at the moment they sinned, they became seperated from God because of it, and not before. For us to be born spiritually dead, we are born seperated from God due to someone's sin.
All men are found wanting after they transgress the law, and not before. That's like getting a speeding ticket when you are two years old.
Spiritual death occurs only after sins "boils over", and taints our soul....when we know to do good, and doeth it not, to him, it is sin.......
i am I AM's!!