I appreciate the candid comments and civil debate. I understand all the views are sincerely held and folks believe they are supported by scripture.
Let’s give a.brief summary of the views of what makes the difference between those that believe and those that don’t.
1. Based on John 3:19-21. Those that accept the gospel “do what is true… come to the light.” Those that reject “love darkness”.
2. The difference is not that they “can’t” but they “won’t”
3. Those that believe are willing to give up their lifestyles. Those that reject are not willing to give up their lifestyles.
4. Those that accept have “Godly grief”. Those that reject have “worldly grief”.
5. We shouldn’t ask the question because it’s God’s business and scripture doesn’t give the answer.
6. The difference is choice. The people that believe want to be saved and those that reject don’t want to be saved.
7. Those that reject love their sin more than they love Jesus.
8. Those that are saved believed the Bible. Those that rejected don’t believe the Bible.
9. The gospel is only one way people get saved. People can be saved without hearing the name of Jesus Christ
10. God gives us space to believe.
Edit to add JonC’s points:
11. The saved are predestined to salvation and the unsaved to condemnation…. For God’s glory.
12. Those that believe are drawn by the Father and given to the Son.
For the “Calvinists” that responded the difference is…
1. God “wrought” their works
2. God chose them for salvation
3. God Holy Spirit conviction makes the difference
The focus of the Calvinists is on God’s work.
The non Calvinists, generally, put the focus on individual choice or willingness to give up sinful or worldly things.
The one person that claimed people can be saved without the gospel or hearing the name of Jesus is teaching heresy, in my opinion.
Again, thanks to all for the candid, sincere opinions and civil debate, especially when we disagree on scripture and doctrine.
peace to you