Wrong, try again. Yes the synergist can be assured if YOU WORK, but since God has no say so in your salvation, its ultimately up to you, and you never know you can have a "Job" experience, and what arrogance to say 'oh i'd be fine", no you have NO ASSURANCE, you were the one determining salvation, you are the one determining whether you'll stay.
BTW Arminius was more Church or Rome than Protestant, as are modern liberal Baptists. Funny saw a debate Dr James White vs Roman Catholic on eternal security, the Catholic sounded EXACTLY like a liberal Baptist, and you ARE ON THEIR SIDE. Luther Himself said Free Will was the main point difference between Rome and the Protestants (Bondage of the Will), to be clear, in regards to soteriology, non-reformed Christians agree more with Rome on the weightier matters, and if on a debate stage you'd have to take their side. Only true Reformed Theology is unique among all world Religions, islam, Mormonism, liberal Baptists, doesn't matter, all the same, ALL OUR SYNERGISTIC, the Bible is MONERGISTIC, so sad you won't follow it!