As far as the transaltion it self goes. Overall, it is superior to the 84 edition. I prefer the more literal gender renderings, but laying that issue aside, it is a no contest, 2011 edition does a better job translating the original language. One of the more noticable changes is that the 2011 removes the word "faith" from John's writings. John never used the greek word for faith, so it was replaced with some form of belief or believe. I use the NAC commentary alot. They various authors used to beat up on the NIV84 and favor the NRSV, NASB or RSV renderings. The 2011 has fixed almost all of the issues suggested by these authors. The 2011 edition has addressed concerns by Pillar commentary writers well. Even with the "gender issue" hanging over the NIV2011's head, it is one of the great translations available. It's not my favorite, but I'm a world full of good English translations, it is probably one of the 5 best available in far as combination orginal meaning and readability. I certainly see why people choose it as there primary translation.
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