Let's define some terms:
When I am referring to sign gifts, I am primarily referring to the list of gifts in 1 Corinthians 12:8-11, which consists of word of wisdom, word of knowledge, faith, healing, effecting of miracles (some include exorcism as a miracle, but I don't think it necessarily applies), prophecy, distinguishing of spirits, kinds of tongues, and interpretation of tongues.
baptists traditional use 'sign gifts" to refer to those that were used by the HS to give revelation unto early church, to cofirm jesus by healings, tongues, prophesies, etc
We tend to see that God ceased to do those type of things after Apsotolic Age, as no longer needed!
I tend to see this similiar to you based upon THIS posting, but would still see the sign gifts as not functioning today, as those were given to grant revelation knowledge from god towards us, that is no longer needed, as we now have the bible, andno longer have either office of Apostle/prophet still open in church!
I believe the gifts are still available and in operation (according to the will of God, not to will of the person wanting to exercise the gift) is that there is no scripture teaching that the gifts have ended. Furthermore, there is evidence in the lives of believes that at least some of the gifts are still in operation. Please note that there is no scriptural requirement for ALL of the gifts to be operation in ALL cultures and ages.
OP refers to JST sign gifts that were revelatory in nature, those no longer needed!
Agree with you that some of the Gifts still operational, such as those listed as Administration, teaching,etc...
1 Corinthians 12-14 gives extensive teaching on the proper use of the gifts. I have found no compelling scriptural argument that teaches that 1 Corinthians 12-14 is out-of-date. And believe me, I've looked for 25 years.
NOT all of those listed gifts need to be operational, ones that still function are indeed given guidelines in the Bible for their operation!
Yes, with some of the gifts.
word of wisdom - Infrequent personal experience
word of knowledge - Knowingly exercised several times a year, sometimes more often if I'm ministering to numerous people in crisis.
faith - I don't know what this would look like, so I can't say either way.
healing - Personally involved in one healing at a hospital in Torrington, Wyoming in March 1987.
effecting of miracles - No, unless you count exorcism. The last time I needed to exercise authority over the demonic was Spring 1991.
prophecy - I'm not sure if this differs from speaking "truth to power" or involves supernatural insight. There's a pretty good chance this has been exercised through me, but I can't tell you for sure.
distinguishing of spirits - Frequently manifested in my life.
kinds of tongues - Never personally manifested in my life. I have only seen one instance I thought was legitimate (July 4, 1987 at Stewart Beach in Galveston, Texas).
interpretation of tongues - Never personally manifested in my life. I have only seen one instance I thought was legitimate (July 4, 1987 at Stewart Beach in Galveston, Texas).
Think some of those 'gifts" today would be seen as urgings/promptings/direction understanding etc at times the HS gives to us, but ALWAYS in agreement witht the bible!
For the record, I wouldn't characterized many (if any) of these experiences as being "emotional" or "feeling-oriented" like so many detractors assume. I cannot specifically think of any particular incident described above as being emotional except for potentially some of the incidents involving commanding demonic spirits. On several of those occasions, I was rather irritated because I was getting tired of the constant harassment.
God's grace was sufficient for His power is perfected in weakness (see 2 Corinthians 12:9). There are purposes for sickness and infirmities, even though it interferes with the American concept of "the pursuit of happiness". As I have stated many times in this forum, the sign gifts are not empowered by human abilities and they are only empowered by the will of God through the Holy Spirit. Since the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are all Persons who have intelligence, will, plans, intentions, wisdom, etc. (they are not an impersonal Force like in Star Wars), one must not expect that they can simply decide they are going to heal people without specific guidance from God.
Even Jesus did not heal everyone. If you notice in John 5, Jesus picked only one person by the Pool of Siloam to heal.
So real question should be "Why does God sometimes heal people?"
The answer is that God sometimes heals people to bring Himself glory, as an act of mercy, and to further His purposes. Those who allow themselves to be used to express the sign gifts usually understand this.