No problem. You are correct. Our relationships with the brethren take priority (apart perhaps those of immediate family) in our lives.Forgive me if I read you wrong. I did not intend to misrepresent you.
Do you, then, believe that Bible-believers today are to try to correct social injustice -- or not? Personally, I don't see Paul commanding or commending that or anything similar -- or rebuking believers for not doing it.
Social injustices and their alleviation are usually used by Jesus as lessons taught pointing to a greater theme.
The OT nation of Israel was a theocracy, so it was expected of the individual to help in the alleviation of physical needs when possible, countryman first and then the "stranger".
Today, it's up to the believer. Personally I like to give to missions which do both - aid both aspects of life spiritual and physical.
Remembering Jason Nightingale of Wordsower International
BTW this is a debate forum - be careful what you say, you just might be challenged